Two niggers dressed in black from head-to-toe just tried to break into my house

we found that girls myspace and posted the vid and the gifs from it

her whole life was ruined

reminds of

because youre a fucking stupid filthy illiterate slav that no one likes

but other than that, i have no idea why you missed it

he missed it because he wasn't even on the site when it happened...

Rhand Altor, you missed a lot of shit. actually, let me re-phrase that, you missed like all of the shit. so you should probably just leave.
i dont keep track of dates. after 9 years shit just runs together for me
the life ruining was highest of epic high comedy

i'm pretty sure that the little whore had "found god" by the time her career information was distributed to everybody in her personal life

it was pure frosting topped with icing and sprinkles

I enjoy dogs who clearly have enough exercise and activity.

I dislike owners who get a dog thinking it will look like this, then leave it inside for 20 hours a day and wonder why it gets fat and lazy.
Yea that beast looks well exercised, I be this agent of Mordor is hungry too.

So what's the toughest (meanest, nastiest etc.) dog now?