TW Top Users [Listing]


Veteran XV
Some of you may remember the last time I posted this, pretty much the same deal.

I run perl scripts that check the "Currently Active Users" list and grab all the usernames. Each run, which occurs every minute, is stored in a seperate data file. Later, all the data files are compiled and each user gets a point for every time their name appears. So the more you are on the forum, the more times your name appears, the more points you get. The following list is sorted by points.

This particular set of data files has been running since the 12:01 Jan 1, 2006. If I keep posting these, I will either do Weekly ones or Yearly ones (top users for the week vs. top users so far this year) or both.

(you are not on the Currently Active Users so you are not in my files for the time that you are invisible)

I run perl scripts that check the site
These lists are ordered by time spent on the site
Invisible people don't show up

The full listing can be found here: TW-Listing-3-3-06.txt

1. DemonKyoto
2. fartiusstinkius
3. Baby Bew
4. JuggerNaught
5. Bunny
6. Somec
7. Iamtehwalrus
8. PeuswahBoy
9. deimos
10. Excel
11. Reggs
12. [SSA]HellSpawn
13. Dope
14. Brasstax
15. claudius
16. Chaoz
17. Funky
18. JustinCase
19. Falhawk
20. Fei
21. Grief
22. Vanster
23. ^i^Njal
24. Gangrel
25. Santah
26. Timmain42
27. somespareid
28. Philipsz
29. Animo
30. Jislan
31. Kelven
32. Frink
33. Amadeus
34. KnightMare
35. BadMoFo
36. Daedalus6
37. Nutcracker
38. CapnPyro
39. mixolydian
40. Fool
41. nurp
42. reZolut
43. Tribalbob
44. Got Haggis?
45. Blotter
46. Cuda
47. iNVAR
48. Reverend Zero
49. DermicSavage
50. Nomad
51. DrJonez
52. Gorlax
53. Killjoy
54. Fatman
55. LostDuck
56. TonyElTigre
57. AkumA
58. PyroTeknik
59. eggo
60. Clu
61. Viggy
62. Breyer
63. Special
64. The Pope
65. eskimorodeo
66. Merranza
67. adrian ng
68. Leonidas Tzu
69. MC Hamster
70. Vulcan
71. Graham Hood
73. MaD_ReBeL
74. Infinite
75. ZodiaK
76. Sunb
77. SF
78. houston
79. Vlasic
80. Ciceron
81. Lobster
82. Procell
83. Special---K
84. mr_luc
85. Osiris
86. Nail Bomb
87. addps4cat
88. caspian
89. lonewolf63afo
90. OptimaPoint
91. Shag
92. Dangerdoggie
93. chaosrage
94. CarpeIppon
95. SadiStick
96. Moker
97. notreal
98. -cyanide-
99. skip
100. HariKari
I was wanting to know the current results for ages, but I couldnt find the old thread or remember your name. That being said:

These polls are a hack because people leave TW open just for this reason. I could care less about where I am because if your #1 on that list.. your probably not #1 in life.

The other thing that scares me is that I was like 250th last time they had a list and I never leave Firefox open when I'm not browsing.
I whore TW a lot, but I also leave browsers open to it for hours at a time when I'm not around. In fact, I'm a little surprised I'm not higher than 15.