[TW Sitting Experts] What kind of chair is this?


Veteran X


I want to sell these chairs on craig's list. Obviously, I want the ad to be professional and informative, not 'HAY I GOT PERPUL CHAIRS WANNA BYE? GIMME 2 HUNDERD BUX!!1' The more I know about the chairs, the better I can make my ad.

I got these chairs from my aunt's rich friend, who was moving at the time and gave them to me for free. They are comfy, but way too big for my living room. Also, they have no head support, and since they recline when sat in, my neck gets a bit tired.

Anyway, I've searched furniture websites and the like, and have come up with nothing close to these chairs.

Any ideas TW?
2 Modern Retro Antique Unique [Other buzz words go here] Accent Chair with Ottoman Great Condition

those look like ugly but nice, 70's style modern-y expensive chairs. you should look at some modern furniture stores to find a price range for equivalent furniture. is that microfiber or what? list the material in your ad.
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