tw, make me sad.

Several hours after CBS said it is pulling the plug on “Two and a Half Men,’’ its star, Charlie Sheen, said he’s in talks with HBO about a new show — only to have HBO shoot down the claim. The morning after the radio rant that led CBS to cancel TV’s most popular sitcom, Sheen told celebrity website that he has had a $5 million-per-episode HBO show in the works. HBO, however, said there is “no truth to the report.’’ Sheen’s recent misadventures have included wild partying, three hospitalizations, a stint in rehab, and a divorce filing from his third wife.

good news is he's shopping a 10mil book deal.

still winning.
Just because your wife takes it doesn't mean she'd tell you.

My wife is doing her CGA, and only tells me the things she knows I could understand because I don't have a background in finance.

Also, being ignorant of psychology does not mean you don't have problems. The greatest narcissists are the least self aware.

That was more for jonb.
How does my laughing at triple's paraphrased claim that all people are mentally fucked up make me a narcissist?
mexicans are going to eliminate white people

you will have no choice but to speak spanish in a few years

ronald reagan is dead

the president of the united states is a muslim from kenya

china is going to rule the world and make us their slaves

the democrats want to raise taxes on you and you alone because they want you to suffer