[tw lawyers] custody


Veteran XX
So what are the chances these days of a father getting full custody of a child over the mother?
Is this still a no chance in hell kind of thing?

As it stands now we havent gone to court or anything, just been sharing custody. My son stays with me 5 nights a week. The other 2 I bring him to her parents(she moved back into an apt at their house when her bf broke up with her)

She never actually spends much time with him its pretty much always the grandparents that are with him when hes there. She abuses prescription drugs but not sure how id prove it. She was arrested 2 years ago for domestic violence (and did this in front of my son) and dcf inspected her place and mine and determined that she could see him but he would be living with me 7 days a week. That has since lifted but im sure that would help my case.
Im tired of the same old scene. Would like to vacate the country...do I have any chance for full custody?

Cliffs: I had sex
With a crazy bitch

And we have a son...and I want full custody.
I won full custody of my boys, but my ex is a wierdo who pretty much blew off the whole court thing and I won by default.

If you can get the judge on your side, and prove she is unfit, in any way, you have a shot...slim, but a shot. Otherwise, doubtful I am afraid.
you're talking about taking kids away from their mother. a judge is not likely to grant that unless there's some really extreme circumstances. sorry :/
I worked with a guy that had the same thing going. It wasn't as bad, but he took full custody of his daughters from the mother. He had them from when they were 4 & 7 to college age. It can happen with a good lawyer. The strange part was a female judge awarded him custody.

Good luck!
The standard used around most of the country is what is in the best interests of the child.

It's not a yes or no type argument. So naturally a no custody argument is difficult but not impossible.

I think a large obstacle for you would be ... ok I have to work a full time job ... and at the same time who will be available to watch the children.

Then part two why her setup is so bad that the child would be damaged if he stayed there.

Then part three why uprooting the child's entire life and moving the child outweighs the harm of staying with his mother's setup.

Or you could just win by default.
She has a criminal record? Regardless if she has a job or not you could still make it happen with a stable environment and a strong support network. Just have to prove she is unstable and not fit to have him at all.
Right she had that domestic violence...dept of children and family deemed her environment to be unsafe for a child to live in at the time.
i have full custody of my son. its not impossible.

get a good lawyer who has a background with these kind of cases.

start a journal and document everything.
^^I couldn't agree more with the whole "document in a journal" thing
So what are the chances these days of a father getting full custody of a child over the mother?
My oldest brother-in-law won full custody of his 2 children during his divorce hearing last year.

There was a change in judges during the next hearing and he wound up losing full custody and could only have supervised visits...

The alcoholic, bipolar, unemployed whore ended up with the kids and one helluva child support paycheck.

I really can't f*cking stand her
^^I couldn't agree more with the whole "document in a journal" thingMy oldest brother-in-law won full custody of his 2 children during his divorce hearing last year.

There was a change in judges during the next hearing and he wound up losing full custody and could only have supervised visits...

The alcoholic, bipolar, unemployed whore ended up with the kids and one helluva child support paycheck.

I really can't f*cking stand her

So if he's your brother in law, the alcoholic, bipolar, unemployed whore is your sister?
Murdering her is the only way to be sure. Just change up her usual pills with something deadly and she'll end up being just another dead junkie to the police.
I don't know if anyone else caught this, but this is hilarious.

This is the difference between a WoW pear-shaped loser with a high school education giving speculative advice vs. a trained lawyer's advice.

you're talking about taking kids away from their mother. a judge is not likely to grant that unless there's some really extreme circumstances. sorry :/

The standard used around most of the country is what is in the best interests of the child.

It's not a yes or no type argument. So naturally a no custody argument is difficult but not impossible.

I think a large obstacle for you would be ... ok I have to work a full time job ... and at the same time who will be available to watch the children.

Then part two why her setup is so bad that the child would be damaged if he stayed there.

Then part three why uprooting the child's entire life and moving the child outweighs the harm of staying with his mother's setup.

Or you could just win by default.

Oh, and this is a 19 year-old nerdvirgin living with his parents' advice. The maturity and introspection really comes through here:

Murdering her is the only way to be sure. Just change up her usual pills with something deadly and she'll end up being just another dead junkie to the police.
lol, rep

are you even 19? you're too young for tribes, how'd you even get on this forum?


mildred went to buy groceries one day and she never returned.

she had been drinking a cup of hot green tea.

we have no milk for our cereal.