TW, I need more video game soundtracks to listen to!


Veteran XX
Right now I have stuff like:

Final Fantasy 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, Tactics
Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross
Secret of Mana
Super Mario 64, Galaxy, Galaxy 2
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, 3

Other stuff I can't remember off the top of my head right now.

I have Xenogears but the files seem to be corrupt or something, so I'll have to try to get that again

I need some more video game soundtrack suggestions. GO, TW, GO!

(Obligatory: Tribes music)
It's not classic 8-bit music, but the Mass Effect 2 soundtrack is pretty good.

Also the Quake 2 soundtrack... and how could you forget the Tribes 1 OST??? Blasphemy!
Persona 4
Atelier Iris (I, II, III)
Ys (whole series)
Legend of Heroes
Valkyria Chronicles
Wild Arms
FFVII: Crisis Core
Shining Hearts
Ar Tonelico
the Persona 4 OST is very different from the other standard RPG OSTs, don't be surprised if it throws you off at first - give it a chance though, some good ones in there.
I agree with the early Tony Hawks being filled with some great tracks.

- Devil May Cry (All of them)
- Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Ocastra Version)
- Diddy Kong Racing
- - F-Zero (Snes)
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What's the draw for video game soundtracks? Am I missing something?

As one guy pointed out, they generally have no vocals. I also like the sense of nostalgia I get from some of them if it is a game I played. I just think it's good music to put on when I'm at work.
It's not classic 8-bit music, but the Mass Effect 2 soundtrack is pretty good.

Also the Quake 2 soundtrack... and how could you forget the Tribes 1 OST??? Blasphemy!

As is the original Mass Effect.

Two others that come to mind are Assassin's Creed 2 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution.