TW Euros: what's your opinion on the syrian refugees coming to EU thing?

yes.. it is a huge sign that citizens of those places are sick tired of living like animals in the hands of authoritarians that serve only the US interests.. Syria is a different case. Syrians were living 'fine', compared to the other nations controlled by US imposed regimes. But it is obvious that between taking a nuke in the head or flee, people will flee.

there is only one rational thing to do. take them all in temporarly, ally with Russia to fix middle east problems for ONCE, make US stop interfeering, even if will take a nuclear strike on the white house, and replace all these folk back to their lands so they can live peacefully with w/e the fuck they want.

Of course this is not americans fault. Americans should be protesting at this point against the action of their bankers and etc - because those are the ones who rule America and make the sick game of controlling all those nations in middle east because *oil*.
y do u need russia to do ne thing 4 u

is portugal not ready 2 go 2 war 4 what it believes in ????

r u gonna stand a post anubis
When Harper lost I went into shock. I went to subway to order a sub and forgot how to talk.

That being said I had a strong premonition about the loss which I ignored in the last few days. God has often spoken in this way in my life. It was that hard times come unexpectedly:

I didn't want to see it, but that didn't stop it.

Now it means almost nothing to be living here

time to PRAY and BESEECH the Lord
holy shit :rofl:

The Syrian males are going to be way disappoint with all the fat cunt over here and that's going to make for social tensions, ultimately start jihad! Should be more women few or no males, and no fatties.