[TW Botanicalollilogists] What fruit is this?

Location: Southern France
Type: Vine. Covering an entire wall
Scale: One of those fruits is about 1.5-2" in length.


It's probably not kumquat. The kumquat fruits grow on trees, not vines as far as I know. The leaves of that vine is also different from the kumquat leaves I'm used to see in America and Asia (the ones I had in Asia tend to be larger, more elongated, the ones I saw in America tend to be smaller and rounder but that might be due to the fact it's home grown so may not have a lot of fertilizer)

I think those are passion fruit, although the leaves a slightly off from the passion fruit vines I've seen and the fruit is a bit elongated. I remember passion fruits tend to be more rounded.

If you can pick one, open it up, passion fruit is very fragrant, not kumquat.

My bet is on passion fruit right now....I like those stuff, fresh picked off the vine...yum
I'm looking at pictures of passion fruit and they don't look anything like that


Kumquats' skin is textured like an orange if I'm to believe this picture:


The fruit in my picture is smooth.
no they really do bear a resembelence to passion fuit though. not really the fruit part but the vine and that big ass bud. hmmmmmmm