TW bicyclists - what are you on?

I can remember when Mongoose was like an elite bicycle. If you were riding a mongoose, you were either a real bmx competitor or your parents had money.

Now they are a wal-mart brand

It's sad.

If you can recall, there were even tiers within Mongoose. If you only had the big 3 tubes that were chrome-moly, you and your bike were lesser. I remember when Jeff got a PK Ripper for his birthday and he was ridiculed for weeks.

When I was 14, the big thing at The Jump® was wondering if any among us could ride down the hill with no brakes, hit the jump, and make it over the rut cleanly. My younger brother said he could do it, and we all gathered to watch. The cool girls even came, with Bactine and Bandaids. Mike started at the top, pedaled even harder than he had to, had very respectable speed, and air, and as he and my sister's bike apexed, the handlebars broke. Everything slow motion now, and you would think that as he began to look at the Oakly grip and piece of handlebar in his left hand, he would be scared or mad, but Mike just looked sad. The ground came, and when he beat it, his face hit hard enough to break his front tooth. He's 53 now, and we still talk about that jump.

Now comes the part where you people share your stories.

Yeti SB5

btw, getting old sucks. Last summer I had a fall that I didn't even think about, except for the pain after. Turned out to be a fractured wrist.
I had a hutch with landing gear forks profile cranks s&m bars tuffneck etc. I had a lot of fun with it at the ymca bmx track. One day I was approached by 6 young gentlemen from the other side of the railroad tracks. YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.

edit: did any of you guys strip the anodized color off your aluminum parts with oven cleaner? We would do that then polish them to a near chrome finish with mothers mag polish.
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I've ridden everyday for a few years, usually 10-12k miles a year. I have 5 bikes, mostly for the road, you could say its a hobby.

IMO most pro's dope, or did. Its not as bad now but 10 years ago it was rampant. Even in my local racing scene people doped, and I'm just an amateur. I definitely think the brits doped at the Olympics in some form, maybe not during the Olympics but during their training cycles before no doubt.
Wait? You've also got a notadog?

I got Scrappy 2008 at a Canadian shelter when I stupidly married Mary the first time. The usual question I get for that shirt is, "You seriously made a shirt over that meme?"

Yes I did. It was that awesome.
My local bike builder scene:

Meet the Makers: Custom Bike Builders in Sonoma and Napa | Sonoma Magazine

I need a new frame. Reynolds 853 por favor.

Lennard Zinn is a friend, sort of, and will make whatever kind of frame to your body.
If you really want to "keep it real with steel," then ask him to measure you and build a bicycle based on your femur/tibia/spine length, and he'll do it. When I was racing for Batavis, we all rode Mercian bicycles, but Joey McLoughlin was on a custom Zinn painted to look like a Mercian.