Trust the medical / scientific industry?


Veteran XX
Canadian woman becomes first person diagnosed as suffering from 'climate change'
A Canadian woman could be the first patient to be diagnosed as suffering from “climate change” after doctors said heatwaves and poor air quality brought on acute breathing problems.

Kyle Merritt, an emergency room doctor in Nelson, British Columbia who was responsible for the diagnosis, told Glacier Media that it was the first time in a decade he had determined a patient’s cause of suffering to be climate change.

“If we’re not looking at the underlying cause, and we’re just treating the symptoms, we’re just gonna keep falling further and further behind,” he said.

Merritt added that the patient, who is in her 70s, was diagnosed in the summer shortly after a heatwave in June sent temperatures soaring past 121 degrees Fahrenheit.

Brought to you by Pfizer...
“If we’re not looking at the underlying cause, and we’re just treating the symptoms, we’re just gonna keep falling further and further behind,” he said.

pfffft. The medical profession has only cared about symptoms for the past hundred years
underlying causes :lol:

meanwhile in covid-land.......

I trust that they want to sell me something for as much money as possible for as long as they can.
BIG MED and BIG SCIENCE is over. No more trust.

I took my six year old daughter for a well being checkup. I liked this doctor. He asked how her socialization was at school. I said, well its difficult with masks and plastic barriers and six foot restrictions. He said, well next week kids can get vaccinations and we can get back to normal.

I told him, we are not getting that or the flu shot.


I do not trust any of them anymore. As far as I am concerned, they are poisoning our kids.
Hasn't distrusting "big pharma" been a thing for ages? It's just become more of a hot topic due to COVID. Just look back a few years and you'll see even the most devout admitting to how shady it all is.

Brought to you by the same health professionals that used to swear smoking was healthy and leaded gasoline was perfectly safe.

During the 1920s, the petrochemical and automobile industries emerged as the corporate backbone of the United States. Because the acceptance or rejection of leaded gasoline had profound implications for these industries, a spirited and often heated controversy arose. Public health professionals found themselves under intense pressure to sanction and minimize the hazards associated with the manufacture and use of this new potentially toxic substance and the pages of the American Journal of Public Health were compromised during the months and years when the fate of leaded gasoline was being decided. The debates of that era centered on issues of health and public policy that remain current today.

We'll see how much the general public continues to trust "the plan" when 20% of the workforce is laid off in January from the vaccine mandate.


I treated about 40-60 patients this summer who were suffering from the 70+ days of trash air quality we had thanks to our air pollutants and o&g fracking in the area. Growing seasons are about a month longer than they used to be, which extend seasonal allergies for patients; I even still have roses on my rose bush because we haven't had a hard freeze, which is about 40 days overdue, and about to break the record for latest snow in a week.
Much of what is called "climate change" is really just localized raping of nature. Stop localized rape of nature and many of the problems go away. No amount of money in the world is going to bring back fisheries that have been decimated.

Humans have a problem differentiating between what will help and what can't be undone. Also, what is natural and what is man made. It's sad to watch. The worst damage humans are inflicting is just pure over harvesting of everything. We are dirty little creatures with very little self control or consciousness. Greed driven lobsters.