[Trucks] Thinking about getting a third vehicle...


I'm thinking about buying my first truck, my Uncle has this old Toyota Tacoma that has about 300k miles on it and he's done oil changes... that's it. Never had to replace anything (maybe brakes once now that I think about it) on it at all. So naturally I'm leaning to:


My first car was a 93 Ford tempo and it was a piece of shit headache machine that broke down every few days. Since then I've had this bad taste in my mouth for all things American made (never mind that some Toyotas are made here in the US... cali and texas have plants I know of...) and on four wheels.

But I'm open minded enough to realize that that was:

A: never ment to be anything other than a bargin basement car
B: over 10 years ago and times might have changed

Maybe it's safe to think about a:


I don't know... what's the general attitude with american made vehicles these days, I'm still stuck in my ways, maybe it's just old prejudice that I can abandon now?

Bonus option:


I could get a work vehicle, and sextoy (I live within trotting distance of enumclaw) all in one...
all the american cars my family has had have given us way more problems than foreign cars. but i guess it's not a big deal if you're leasing or not thinking about keeping it long term
Gonna keep it long term con. (buying not leasing, and toyota is hiiiiigh on my list)

Fire, gas is not an issue, it's only for moving around big stuff now and then and maybe dates on the weekends and stuff. Not exactly gonna be driving it to get milk and eggs :p:

Like last weekend I picked up some firewood and was annoyed at the mess it made in my car...
You aren't the guy who is delivering pizzas right, cause that prancing pony is the logo for ferrari.

Well from what I hear, American cars have gotten better over the past decade. I'd say get a cheap f150.
You aren't the guy who is delivering pizzas right, cause that prancing pony is the logo for ferrari.

Well from what I hear, American cars have gotten better over the past decade. I'd say get a cheap f150.

ferrari horse faces left :p

And I have heard that as well about American made cars but it's mostly ancidotal so far.

People say Hyundai has gotten better too, but just as many say they still suck balls. :shrug:
So, a pizza delivery boy can afford to maintain 3 vehicles ?

Not trying to be an ass. Just curious.
So, a pizza delivery boy can afford to maintain 3 vehicles ?

Not trying to be an ass. Just curious.

No worries man, and ya it actually pays pretty well. (17-25 bucks an hour with benifits since I've been there so long) I bought my first house last year all on pizza hut earnings no second job or anything :)

My mom really sucked with money so I ended up being extremely good at managing that sort of thing with an example of "what not to do" all my life. :dapimp:
No worries man, and ya it actually pays pretty well. (17-25 bucks an hour with benifits since I've been there so long) I bought my first house last year all on pizza hut earnings no second job or anything :)

My mom really sucked with money so I ended up being extremely good at managing that sort of thing with an example of "what not to do" all my life. :dapimp:

I had no idea you could make a real living doing it. Seems like you are doing great. Congrats.
You should test drive a few different trucks. The F-150 is going to seem like you're sitting higher-up, which is why I got one. It sounds like you really want the feel of driving a truck, and a Tacoma won't give you that same feel.
If it's only for occasional use why not get an old beater truck and save $$?

Shoulda been more specific, gonna buy used, I always avoid new because of the crazy premium they charge for the "honor" of being the first on the block with a new toy :p:

I do the same for vid cards... last years (heck 6 months ago even) GeForce... yes plz