Tricked out Tribes? Expanding movement in T:V

do a button combo, ala streetfighter and be able to break someone's neck at 1 meter. Would be hilarious to watch light D trying to do this while they body block :p
Fling :D
Kinevil said:
am i the only one who thinks all these tricks have gone way too far. I can just see the whole server forgetting the point of the game just to do stunts.

All this catching projectiles.. pfff.. sorry but that just sounds stupid for an FPS, also VERY frustrating. Wheres the fun in getting a MA only to have it caught. Or chasing a capper just to see them grab onto a missile! lol.. give us a break!

Maybe it has a place in Team Rabbit stunts?
Kinevil said:
I can just see the whole server forgetting the point of the game just to do stunts.

There will always be score-Uncle-Toms who will ignore the point of the game (helping their team) in the interest of stroking their score ePenis.

In my opinion, rewarding people for tricks that are necessary to win the game (like TR2 does) helps to better, not worsen this problem.
VaporTrail said:
Sorry, but no.

First, basic thermodynamics states that energy cannot come from nothing. The system involving the flag, and the player grabbing, would have NO energy input. You can try this by attempting to slingshot off a light pole while rollerblading. On a level surface, the slingshot will only alter the direction of your velocity vector, and reduce it in magnitude by a small amount. (Attempting this with anything you might be able to pick up out of the ground would likely result in you busting your ass, but this is a game, so...) The centrifugal force is a RESULT of the energy brought into the system by the player. It does not add to the momentum. The ONLY instance in which a "slingshot" manuver works in this manner is with stellar objects and spacecraft. Even then, the energy added to the system by gravity is taken away on the outbound leg. Any velocity increase is attributable to the drive of the spacecraft.

Second, as a game, this manuver must be balanced, and having the player GAIN momentum from it, which will result in leaving the stand FASTER than he came in, is not balanced. The advantage of leaving the stand with a vector that is significantly different from the the arrival vector should be balanced out by a loss of momentum.

I love when people try to sound big and badass. Especially with physics. I love it when they mention centrifugal force as well. Especially when all you had to say was your speed will not increase. Your velocity does change, as does your acceleration, just in a different direction.

Let's try to keep the real-world physics discussion off the gaming forum. kthxbai
My suggestion about spinning around the flag was not meant to increase the cappers velocity, but more to make his grab exit unpridictable. Currently if you see a capper coming in, you know which way they will exit, since their momentum will carry them in that direction. My idea was to allow the caper to drastically change direction without losing *too much* velocity.

In addition, you could input enegy to the equation to allow for increased exit speed if you used your jetpack. So as you are spinning you fire your jetpack and it throws you around the flag and off in your new direction at a higher speed.
How about some kind of ice gun that turns the ground to uber-slick ice? Then we could "customize" skiing runs and make some cool traps.
Virtus said:
How about some kind of ice gun that turns the ground to uber-slick ice? Then we could "customize" skiing runs and make some cool traps.

I have a better idea-- concussion mines. Like T2's concussion grenades, only when you step on one you get thrown off in a random direction.

They could be used for creative skiing and mid-airing too.
Miracle said:
I have a better idea-- concussion mines. Like T2's concussion grenades, only when you step on one you get thrown off in a random direction.

They could be used for creative skiing and mid-airing too.

Not a bad idea at all. I'm trying to imagine how that would affect a map like Canyon Crusade. ;)
Ixiterra said:
Ok, Mr. "spin creates lift." Get back to high school ASAP.
You could have just let it slide and say "yes, youre probably right VaporTrail". But no, you gotta act like Mr. Know-it-all and bash the poor guy even though he is right for the most part.

You know, pretty much every locked thread on this forum is because you have to act like a smartass and pretend like you know wtf you are talking about.

Do you always have to have the last word?
Kinevil said:
All this catching projectiles.. pfff.. sorry but that just sounds stupid for an FPS, also VERY frustrating. Wheres the fun in getting a MA only to have it caught. Or chasing a capper just to see them grab onto a missile! lol.. give us a break!
well there were fakies in T1 and people dealt with it. at least here if someone managed to block a disc they take damage plus get knocked off course. i cant believe how many people think grabbing onto a missle that is homing in on them from behind will be easy to grab onto. only way i can see this happening is with the implementation of the reverse feature on the jetpack that i brought up. You could engage the reverse jets at the last second and grab onto the missle as it flew right next to them. Definitely not a newb move.

only projectiles i can see being caught are ones that do not explode on impact (discs can not be caught, only blocked) - mortars, grenades, and missles. if you remember, sometimes you could get hit by a mortar or grenade in midair and it would just bounce off you. this is just building on that.
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I gotta say, the whole "catching projectiles" thing is just dumb. Sorry dude, but in this game its hard enough to hit someone with an ma... letting them block it or latch on to it makes it more of a defensive game. This game needs to be offensively oriented.
The idea behind catching projectiles is lame as hell.

The only twist on projectiles I'd like to see, is, projectiles that cancel each other out. I know the Unreal Engine already supports this, so I imagine it'll be in T:V.
x66 said:
The idea behind catching projectiles is lame as hell.

The only twist on projectiles I'd like to see, is, projectiles that cancel each other out. I know the Unreal Engine already supports this, so I imagine it'll be in T:V.
that's been in tribes since T1, newb