[Tribes Mod Quaker Engine] Status Update Quaker Engine Tribes Mod!


Veteran XV
Tribes Mod Quaker Engine

After just 10 hours we have a large nearly-talented team and a lot of goodish concept work done. The community has really pulled together and began production!! We want a tribes game!! We will have a Vax 6000-610 server modded with a flux capacitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This mod is powered by oatmeal and wishful thinking! You do not need talent to join the mod!

Team Openings: We need a wiki, logo, hamburgers. apply.

Red Sonja is boss. PM for invites. Will also bring flux capacitor for server.
Jerry is QBASICer.
kizzak is image getter.
Cael is finger lord
disclaimer226 is head sound engineer. He has a fart wav file.
Mangle-Me-Elmo is webmaster with leet geocities skills
oDDable is mod LD
coombz is in charge of instruction manual/readme.txt
Minstrel is flag cheerleader captain. All cheerleader requests to him.
Yetskii is lord of the Vax 6000-610, our server
Gil is in charge of pessimism
turdburgler is the dick at the office. He will annoy you while you work. Endur.
FishStix will map.
Dangerdoggie is in
KnightMare was disc spammer but left because of the lack of happy flag support.
guard|an the robot. eats the skiers when the computer can't generate any more terrain.....
Rambro - Master of Entertainment... party party
gRraWr - confused but will post
Heimdal - he helps gRraWr with nonconfusion

Please look in awe at the good work our fellow mod team members have made. Tribes has never looked this good:



awesome! I hope it uses paper over ip!

We are stuck with a 9600 baud serial connection.....the server rocks..super low pings for everyone...


I can get a better pic from work...this is a stock photo, and it does not show off the extra computing power that an inch of dust adds to the awesomness of it.