Tribes 3 Heavy Armor or Ghost Rider?

Thrax Panda said:
Why do people in the mountains of Peru have a cart pulled by a donkey or a llama instead of an X5 4.6is?

If all the tribes in Tribes are so weak and pathetic compared to the old central civilizations, you'd think there'd still be someone around with the organization and power to use Hercs.

Oh well, plot stuff is pretty unimportant in a game like this. Did anyone here log onto T2 the first day thinking "I can't wait to contribute against the Bioderme horde!"
Thrax Panda said:
I'm not sure what you're talking about here (the first part). Are you suggesting that this may or may not be a model (it's not, it's hand drawn concept art), or that we couldn't accurately convert something this detailed into a model (we have, it looks spiffy). Or perhaps something else which I've missed?

He's saying he doesn't think (well, at least with current gaming engines?) that you could pop out such a nice hi-poly model (min of 16 players per server?) and still have great FPS with the outdoor environments. Or at least that's how I read it. :p
I could see that concept turned into a model with about 4k polys, and still look great. Thats compareable to what UT2k3 can handel. If they are using a newer or similar engine, I dont see the problem.

The concept doesnt look that agile tho...I hope not all classes are like this(I doubt they would be), but none the less, cool idea. Cant wait to see the face us those pieces next! :D
I'm pretty sure based on that model it's a heavy (as the title of the thread says), so why would you expect it to be agile?

I just hope the game runs well upon release, unlike a game that will not be mentioned.
dunce_boy said:
I could see that concept turned into a model with about 4k polys, and still look great. Thats compareable to what UT2k3 can handel. If they are using a newer or similar engine, I dont see the problem.

The concept doesnt look that agile tho...I hope not all classes are like this(I doubt they would be), but none the less, cool idea. Cant wait to see the face us those pieces next! :D
A Semi-Truck driving down a mountain pass can get going quite fast without ever being called agile ;)
thrax, all i know is, you make the female heavy look like that, and the blood eagle elders are going to be INUNDATED with "Do I look fat in this armor?" questions. They're gonna find and kill you.
p.s. you and marweas (leave that other guy, Menzo, for a Marketing guy, he comes off as a penis) better get your asses here to Beantown so we can parrrtayyy
new picture.

T w i z t i D said:
p.s. you and marweas (leave that other guy, Menzo, for a Marketing guy, he comes off as a penis) better get your asses here to Beantown so we can parrrtayyy
I had lunch at the Beantown Pub on Saturday ;)


Marweas == Marketing
Menzo == PR
Thrax == Development
Thrax Panda said:
I had lunch at the Beantown Pub on Saturday ;)


Marweas == Marketing
Menzo == PR
Thrax == Development

hi, i'm 16 looking for a job. does whomever making this game need a scripter :eek:
Thrax Panda said:
No, there are 47 total pieces, but I let imageready determine the size of the all white slices, so they may be as large as six pieces, or as small as one. I'm not going to post a white piece, that would be sort of unimpressive.
Thrax Panda said:
I had lunch at the Beantown Pub on Saturday ;)


Marweas == Marketing
Menzo == PR
Thrax == Development

gee, what development studio has offices in boston as well as australia?

guess we'll find out thursday ;)