Tribal Comic Fans... JLA Vs Avengers... whos gonna win?

Anyone who says the Avengers would win is retarded. Captain America is my favorite comic book superhero, and I'm generally a Marvel fanboy/DC hater.

But you gotta admit, the JLA is stacked. I don't care how good the Avengers teamwork is, they would get completely owned by Supes, Wonder Woman, and GL alone. Throw in Batman, Flash, and Martian Manhunter and the match would be over in less than a minute.
Supes is god tier, of that there is no question. He's so ridiculously well-rounded (a natural side effect of being the progenitor of every subsequent American comic book superhero) that he could take practically all of the Avengers by himself...with peeps like WW, GL, Flash, and Batman, the JL would simply crush the Avengers.
Ben Reed said:
In all seriousness: Who all was in the Avengers, again? The only one I can remember is Hawkeye. :shrug:

The major ones are:

Captain America
Iron Man
Scarlet Witch
Hank Pym (as Ant Man/Giant Man/Yellow Jacket/whoever he wants to be today)
Probably a couple others I'm forgetting, but it doesn't matter because the JLA would crush them.
Crazy8 said:
The major ones are:

Captain America
Iron Man
Scarlet Witch
Probably a couple others I'm forgetting, but it doesn't matter because the JLA would crush them.

Some reasonably potent faces in there, but I agree, they're meat for the grinder that is the stacked-to-hell JL.

X-Men vs. DC would be a much more exciting fight, IMHO...much greater pool of much more potent superpowers. Let's face it, ol' Iron Man ain't much more than Batman with Dr. Doom's suit.
One on one Bats would hand anyone of them their ass (he's beaten superman numerous times (because supes won't use his insta-kill speed powers)), and given preperation he could probably take out a whole team. Throw in Superman to take the punishment and it's over.

I was reading in the new Wizard that there's a captain america (my 2nd favorite hero EVAR) vs. batman (fav hero) fight scene. Hopefully they don't gayify it up and make it a typical knock-down, dragout, fight where theyre both equals, and both end up half unconsceince and bleeding.. I want a quick and dirty fight! bats with a heel kick to caps kidney or somethin
Bring back The Hulk since he was a founding member of the Avengers and it could get interesting.

JLA would still win.
Is this slated to happen in comic book form or is this a theoretical argument? I'd have to go w/ JLA as well. If its really gonna happen then of course they'll realize they're not really enemies and go fight some bad guy. I've got an old issue of Xmen vs the Titans and that's what happened.
This is happening in the comics. George Perez' is doing the art, and the first issue should be hitting news stands very soon.

Basically as much as I love the Avengers (favorite super group of all time) the JLA would take them out.

There is a HUGE power difference between the heros in the Marvel universe as opposed to the heros in the DC universe.

The only advantage I could see the Avengers having is that in a no-holds barred fight is that Superman just will not kill, while Thor would not really have problems with killing (since he is warrior and has been fighting for the last 1000yrs).