Transgender Sets Powerlifting Records

This isn’t an isolated incident, it isn’t just power lifting. It’s happening in track and field, boxing etc.
^ this and the Olympics has toyed with allowing these mentally ill males to compete as women in the women's sports.

The twitter outrages mobs has a lot of people scared shitless and one of their biggest targets is people who speak out on trannies as being mentally ill.
So I guess you know better than the entire medical community what does and doesn't qualify as a mental illness.

Yeah, that's reasonable.

Please don't talk like you understand anything about medicine or the "medical community." Opinions regarding gender dysphoria are as varied among physicians as they are among the rest of the public. For example, I find gender affirmation surgery to be entirely unethical.

Paul McHugh, former chair of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins, wrote extensively about this over the course of his career, and he was the major reason Hopkins shut down its gender reassignment program in the late 1970's. That program was only restarted in 2017. His writings are interesting.

The "medical community" also used to advocate transorbital lobotomies for certain mental illnesses and performed HYSTERectomies to treat "female HYSTERia." I'd hesitate to look to medicine as the source of all truth in this matter.
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Please don't talk like you understand anything about medicine or the "medical community." Opinions regarding gender dysphoria are as varied among physicians as they are among the rest of the public. For example, I find gender affirmation surgery to be entirely unethical.

Paul McHugh, former chair of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins, wrote extensively about this over the course of his career, and he was the major reason Hopkins shut down it's gender reassignment program in the late 1970's. That program was only restarted in 2017. His writings are interesting.

The "medical community" also used to advocate transorbital lobotomies for certain mental illnesses and performed HYSTERectomies to treat "female HYSTERia." I'd hesitate to look to medicine as the source of all truth in this matter.

People are acting like science cant be politicized. It has absolutely been bought and paid for by the DNC just like the media. These feminazi mafia media groups go after any signs of resistance they can find. Slowly, but consistently behind the scenes. I'd love to know what the heads of these powerlifting federations are facing and what kinds of people are going after them.
I always thought that sport participation was based upon hormone testing to determine testosterone levels, not what gender you may identify as on any given day.

I know way back they used to do chromosome testing but they stopped that in the 90's I think.

This is some bullshit though, then again why have separate competitions for men and women? Everyone being equal nowadays, lets just put them all together.

Maybe women can start pulling their weight and playing five sets in tennis championships?
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I always thought that sport participation was based upon hormone testing to determine testosterone levels, not what gender you may identify as on any given day.

They have testosterone limits for trans athletes to make it somewhat fair. The massively increased testosterone acting on your body for 30+ years as a male athlete and the increased strength gains you get from that dont just dissapear once the testosterone leaves your body.
Same way bodybuilders or mma fighters will go on heavy steroid cycles for training then lay off it for a while to hope it leaves their systems for testing.
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This isn’t an isolated incident, it isn’t just power lifting. It’s happening in track and field, boxing etc.

just asking if you have a story/article about a person who transitioned to play sports and then transitioned back. this is what i ended up looking at: Transgender people in sports - Wikipedia

nothing really stands out except that it's been going on since 1977 with renee richards. so the door has been open for at least that long. it puts the recent weightlifting wins in the context of decades of the occasional transwoman attempting to compete and losing. to me this argues against the likelihood of trans-to-win, since that strat has been available for 40+ years and at best produced two weightlifting champs and an ok mma fighter. check out this one Lauren Jeska - Wikipedia

if the theory is that a mediocre man with zero integrity could transition and easily dominate, that's presumably millions of dollars on the line, right? and in 40 years of this being permitted in (at least) tennis, no one has jumped on it? that's a pretty big $20 bill on the sidewalk. maybe it's really not that easy, or not that appealing, or people aren't that depraved (def not this).

that leaves base odds, where transpeople are less than 1 in 100, pro/pseudopro athletes (i.e. paid college or sponsored olympic) are probably <10k in 350mil, cross those for a very small rate (3 for every 1mil if my head math is right). based on order of magnitude and the historical record i'd predict a transperson will come along once every few years and compete in a pro/pseudopro sport. if one shows up in individual sports slated heavily toward build / strength (running, fighting, lifting) they may do very well (and this will increase the odds they show up in these sports, since competitiveness is a filter). during their time they will be alone or nearly alone as transpeople in (this) sport, while 99% of the competition continues to occur between natural born women. that's what i'd bet after the one-time uptick we are presently experiencing due to wider trans popularity, assuming no bans.

this turned into a painful effort post bc after looking at the evidence, i've actually changed my mind from believing this should be banned to believing it doesn't really matter. if my predictions are substantially off and there is a major uptick of trans competitors, say more than 10% of female world record holders or 5% of any given pro league, i would update in favor of a ban. i feel like if your steepest hardship is that you may never set a world record or be the single best player of your sport, you're alright. i agree it's unfair, but we all lose sooner or later.

- trans in sports was backed by the usgov in 1977
- there were plenty of translosers between 1977 and fallon fox
- these two recent lifters are the only ones ever to set world records (and one was already beat)
- raw odds suggest ongoing <1% trans in sports
- was pro-ban, now pro-tran
- if you want to win fair and square you already lost to the juicers so a lone tranno on top doesn't really change things. white people still play golf even though tiger woods exists.

This guy, I mean woman, participating in MMA kicking the shit out of women broke this other fighter's skull with a knee to the head in a fight last year.

Obviously anyone that doesn't want men transitioning to women then destroying women in fights is a massive bigot.
Gender identity disorder was classified as such until recently when it turned into a social issue by various groups. The unscientific minds comprising those groups have succeeded in getting it reclassified, renamed, and refocused to where the gender identity confusion of the individual is not the problem, rather it is the negative byproducts of their confused mind. It's like plucking the leaves off a weed without removing the root. The leaves will always come back.

Applying that logic to hopefully an obvious a serial killer. The remedy would be to assuage any guilt, anxiety, or depression the serial killer might have about killing others and reinforce to them that their desire to kill people is not the issue.
The obvious difference being that a serial killer acting on their desire harms other people, while a transgender person doing the same doesn't.

A much better analogy would be tattoos/piercings/body mods. Is it ok for people to want to paint shit on their skin and insert bits of metal into their body? Why is that not a mental illness?

Obviously the medical associations don't have all the answers. There's a whole host of mental illnesses that there are no real solutions for. The socially violent ones enlarge the prison populations, others keep the pharmaceutical company shareholders happy. Those who are a danger to themselves are in asylums.

So don't bullshit me about the medical community knowing what they are talking about in regards to this. There is no real science behind it,
Gender Dysphoria Research Papers -

I guess none of those papers are "real science", and your opinion on the subject is just as valid as theirs? Is that what you're saying?

and to any healthy mind it is understood as an abnormality.
Ooooh, straight to the "abnormal" equivocation.

I dare you to define what you meant by "normal" just then:

[ ] Common
[ ] Acceptable
[ ] Healthy
[ ] Other, please specify: ______________
just asking if you have a story/article about a person who transitioned to play sports and then transitioned back. this is what i ended up looking at: Transgender people in sports - Wikipedia

nothing really stands out except that it's been going on since 1977 with renee richards. so the door has been open for at least that long. it puts the recent weightlifting wins in the context of decades of the occasional transwoman attempting to compete and losing. to me this argues against the likelihood of trans-to-win, since that strat has been available for 40+ years and at best produced two weightlifting champs and an ok mma fighter. check out this one Lauren Jeska - Wikipedia

if the theory is that a mediocre man with zero integrity could transition and easily dominate, that's presumably millions of dollars on the line, right? and in 40 years of this being permitted in (at least) tennis, no one has jumped on it? that's a pretty big $20 bill on the sidewalk. maybe it's really not that easy, or not that appealing, or people aren't that depraved (def not this).

that leaves base odds, where transpeople are less than 1 in 100, pro/pseudopro athletes (i.e. paid college or sponsored olympic) are probably <10k in 350mil, cross those for a very small rate (3 for every 1mil if my head math is right). based on order of magnitude and the historical record i'd predict a transperson will come along once every few years and compete in a pro/pseudopro sport. if one shows up in individual sports slated heavily toward build / strength (running, fighting, lifting) they may do very well (and this will increase the odds they show up in these sports, since competitiveness is a filter). during their time they will be alone or nearly alone as transpeople in (this) sport, while 99% of the competition continues to occur between natural born women. that's what i'd bet after the one-time uptick we are presently experiencing due to wider trans popularity, assuming no bans.

this turned into a painful effort post bc after looking at the evidence, i've actually changed my mind from believing this should be banned to believing it doesn't really matter. if my predictions are substantially off and there is a major uptick of trans competitors, say more than 10% of female world record holders or 5% of any given pro league, i would update in favor of a ban. i feel like if your steepest hardship is that you may never set a world record or be the single best player of your sport, you're alright. i agree it's unfair, but we all lose sooner or later.

- trans in sports was backed by the usgov in 1977
- there were plenty of translosers between 1977 and fallon fox
- these two recent lifters are the only ones ever to set world records (and one was already beat)
- raw odds suggest ongoing <1% trans in sports
- was pro-ban, now pro-tran
- if you want to win fair and square you already lost to the juicers so a lone tranno on top doesn't really change things. white people still play golf even though tiger woods exists.

Knowing Russia, some of their female athletes were probably former males back then
Only thing that really bothers me is they are allowing children to choose the change. I think you should be an adult capable of making decisions for yourself before being allowd to make such a risky change.
Hey Amadeus. How about you discuss this with the medical professional in the thread? I'm sure he can help you form an informed opinion on the matter.
Only thing that really bothers me is they are allowing children to choose the change. I think you should be an adult capable of making decisions for yourself before being allowd to make such a risky change.
Does that actually happen though? My understanding is that the child would receive puberty blockers so that they can make up their minds later.
A full grown adult wants to transition? That's up to them...

But put that on a child? To foist that onto a child and transition a child that hasn't even gone through puberty yet? That's criminal ignorance and should be treated as abuse.

One day, when we better understand the actual science behind it, we'll very likely look back on the effort to transition people under the age of 25 as barbaric and akin to an era of things like forced sterilization or shock therapy.

There are people born with legit physiological and psychological anomalies that shape their development abnormally. The system nature evolved isn't perfect and without risks and the potential for error... but nature fucks up far less often then we give it credit for. Far more often it is we, in our ignorance that has made a mistake, not nature. We are manufacturing more artificial transgenders than nature is genuinely creating by mistake.

If a 4 year old boy likes to wear a dress, that doesn't mean he's a girl any more than him telling you that he is a girl. Taking that as a sign that you should pump him full of mind and body altering hormones to correct a perceived problem is beyond absurd.

A full grown adult wants to transition? That's up to them...

But put that on a child? To foist that onto a child and transition a child that hasn't even gone through puberty yet? That's criminal ignorance and should be treated as abuse.

One day, when we better understand the actual science behind it, we'll very likely look back on the effort to transition people under the age of 25 as barbaric and akin to an era of things like forced sterilization or shock therapy.

There are people born with legit physiological and psychological anomalies that shape their development abnormally. The system nature evolved isn't perfect and without risks and the potential for error... but nature fucks up far less often then we give it credit for. Far more often it is we, in our ignorance that has made a mistake, not nature. We are manufacturing more artificial transgenders than nature is genuinely creating by mistake.

If a 4 year old boy likes to wear a dress, that doesn't mean he's a girl any more than him telling you that he is a girl. Taking that as a sign that you should pump him full of mind and body altering hormones to correct a perceived problem is beyond absurd.

shock therapy is still used though... it's called ect now and it's not nor has it ever been what "shock therapy" is used to make people imagine. common misconception, but always double check if your medical knowledge is sourced from a movie where frankenstein fights the wolf man