Tough Decision. Pleasure vehicle


Veteran XX
My wife and I have a crappy 2010 Mazda 3 and is really all we need for a vehicle. When I actually have to go to the office, it is on her way and we can carpool.

During one year, there might be half a dozen times where a second vehicle would have been nice for both of us to fulfill our plans.

I plan on buying a second vehicle once we have a kid (~2015), and am having some serious debates. Basically the scenarios break down as follows:

a) 1. Keep crappy sub compact for 100km commute to save on gas. Replace when it dies.
2. SUV for utility/function and long road trips for when we have a kid in 2 years.
3. Buy a motorcycle now for speed/pleasure
Pros: + Save on gas by continuing to own fuel efficient vehicle for commute.
+ Can get the motorcycle right away.
Cons: - Might die on a motorcycle
- Can only use motorcycle half the year.

b) 1. Crappy sub compact for 100km commute to save on gas. Replace with SUV when it dies.
2. 60k sports car or equally expensive luxury sedan.
Pros: + Can use both vehicles year round, although I might not want to depending on the car I get.
Cons: - Extra expense on fuel for SUV commute.
- Have to wait longer for second pleasure vehicle.

Another factor to consider, I live in Canada and we have shit weather from November to March.

Flames and real responses welcome.
It's a 2010 and crappy? You must not like the car.
You know the wife gets an SUV when the kid comes along, it's part of the play book. And she'll stop working, so you need some money saved up. Tell her to chip in for the future SUV.
get a bike

its 8k, and you'll be forced to put it away for winter anyways

why get a nice car that you can barely drive and need to buy winter tires for, only to get it wrecked by some idiot in a truck who's flying and angry that people are doing the speeding limit when the roads are a skating rink
It's a 2010 and crappy? You must not like the car.
You know the wife gets an SUV when the kid comes along, it's part of the play book. And she'll stop working, so you need some money saved up. Tell her to chip in for the future SUV.

I was trying to be humble. It's a fairly decent little car, but obviously not what a male dreams about driving.

If you notice in both a) and b) scenarios. The SUV is present in the numbered lists. My wife knows her role and she will have to wait =) The tough decision is about the pleasure vehicle.
It's a 2010 and crappy? You must not like the car.
You know the wife gets an SUV when the kid comes along, it's part of the play book. And she'll stop working, so you need some money saved up. Tell her to chip in for the future SUV.

my brothers wife played the ho playbook to a T

he just bought a 2012 4 Runner SR5 and she wanted to drive the baby in it, now she doesn't feel safe in her 2001 sorento or whatever and he gets to have a car payment for a brand new car and drive a 2001 kia to work every day
ariel atom

lol I wish.

The bike contender is the Triumph Steet Triple R. I'm a pretty tall guy and the upright position is more of what I'm looking for, vs street bike.

i like that bike

if the stretch of road near campus wasn't the thunderdome with paki/gook/18 year old texters i would get a bike since its less than 2 miles

if i die i'd rather it be by overdose or screamin thug life while emptyin a clip

getting mangled by some 2 seater scion smartcar driven by a tiny asian girl is not the way i wanna go out u know what i mean
i like that bike

if the stretch of road near campus wasn't the thunderdome with paki/gook/18 year old texters i would get a bike since its less than 2 miles

if i die i'd rather it be by overdose or screamin thug life while emptyin a clip

getting mangled by some 2 seater scion smartcar driven by a tiny asian girl is not the way i wanna go out u know what i mean

Yeah fair enough. Toronto is full of asian drivers and there is no way in fucking hell I would ever consider commuting on a motorcycle.

I would basically use it for fun pleasure driving.
i like that bike

if the stretch of road near campus wasn't the thunderdome with paki/gook/18 year old texters i would get a bike since its less than 2 miles

if i die i'd rather it be by overdose or screamin thug life while emptyin a clip

getting mangled by some 2 seater scion smartcar driven by a tiny asian girl is not the way i wanna go out u know what i mean

I always thought, "Hey, I want a motorcycle." but then I think that it's not worth the whole thing where you die if you are ever in an accident.
also option b) all the way, except not a 60k sport car wait for the the midlife crisis when you're actually midlife
I always thought, "Hey, I want a motorcycle." but then I think that it's not worth the whole thing where you die if you are ever in an accident.

I feel this way too.

But my excuse is that I've grown up on a farm and know how to ride. I won't be using it to commute amongst asians. Just fairly open back roads.