[TORRENT] Torrent questions


Veteran XX
I've just got an internet connection at home, first time in about 4 years.
It's just a 1mb connection, so it's not uber fast, but it is at least unlimited with the amount I can download or upload.

Anyway, my questions on torrents: What should I be aiming for in the share ratio? I usually download the file I'm after, leave it running for a couple of hours for upload, and then delete the torrent completely.

Is 1 a ratio I'm looking for? Also I set the connection to have unlimited network speed for download, but 3k for upload speed. Is this socially/interwebally acceptable?

I'm just after the etiquette here. You master downloaders, please be providing your wisdom.
I usually leave it till it gets a 1.0 ratio.
But not for public trackers like PirateBay, fuck that.
Assuming you're using a public tracker, you should care fuck all about your ratio. There is no need to cheat on them.
Faking upload output isn't difficult. Clients are authoritive when it comes to updating the tracker on input / output, so it should make sense that you can easily fake your upload output.

Like-wise; A patch I wrote for BitSpirit multiplies my upload output at each notification. Set the client to low upload, and within an hour or so of seeding I'll have at least a 1:1 ratio.

There's another method that involves using a web-browser and a link, but most trackers are capable of detecting it so I won't bother suggesting it's use.
Yeah what nofix said is pretty much it :)

Your client manually informs the tracker about how much you have uploaded/downloaded.
So there's really no etiquette on this.

I should get what I want and then fuck off the torrent.

Sounds ok to me. Just wanted to see how others felt about this.

But if there is a torrent I grab off of TW, I'll leave that one going. May as well look after the community a little bit.
i seed to whatever i want on indvidiual torrents but keep around 1.0 on TiT (closing in on 600gb's up/down)
it's all legit too :/ thought i wouldn't mind knowing how to patch something like mr nofix
Mafo said:
i seed to whatever i want on indvidiual torrents but keep around 1.0 on TiT (closing in on 600gb's up/down)
it's all legit too :/ thought i wouldn't mind knowing how to patch something like mr nofix
hah nokidding, i cant seem to break 1.0 :( i'll seed but eberyone stops downloading it before i break even
Boomer_941 said:
hah nokidding, i cant seem to break 1.0 :( i'll seed but eberyone stops downloading it before i break even

same problem here. i never thought i would complain about too many seeders, but if everyone seeds and no one downloads, you can't get your ratio up.
I have a 1.06 ratio on empornium, and .55 on TiT. But that's not really sentimentality: I like the services so I try to play by the rules. On public trackers, I just get what I want and leave, my upload bandwidth is reserved for private trackers.

BTW: mvgroup.org for non-fiction vids. In particular, What's new In Astronomy 2003 and Volcanoes Of The Deep Sea are neat.
Chrom said:
So there's really no etiquette on this.

I should get what I want and then fuck off the torrent.

That defeats what Torrenting is all about, namely that "so shall you give, so shall you receive."

Besides, one you get a higher ratio, you get d/l preference and higher speeds.
the only way i see faking something using the program would be to disasemble it then change the line returning the infomation to the tracker to multiply by 1.25 or something first

and since i'm a newb couldn't unpack either utorrent or azureus i gave up :(
nofix wanna help :p