top legendary rock and roll stars (who is)

bowl of blood

so i was thinking, now that rush is officially retired once and for all (rip, you will never be forgotten), there is a power vacuum at the top of the pyramid of legendary rock and roll stars and guitar heroes for the ages

who is going to take their place
Is there any band left that still makes LOTR references?

If so, then that is my choice. Otherwise...I don't know...maybe Adam Levine?
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this guy is tops:

Is there any band left that still makes LOTR references?

If so, then that is my choice. Otherwise...I don't know...maybe Radiohead?

there was/is a whole genre that was big about 5-10 years ago called gay historical viking metal or sometimes gay black norwegian historical metal where they wore eyeliner and sang about their gay forefathers in little songs that sounded basically like evanescence


i would not personally consider them the successors to the rock and roll slam dunk legacy of rush however
Fucking lol at rush

Legendary rock and roll band maroon five led by dynamic buttfucking lunatic Adam Levine would make an entire arena full of neckbearded virgin rush fans break down into hysterical sobs of genius recognition before completing the first verse of their iconic rock and roll smash hit moves like jagger
Rush is pretty much the musical version of D&D. They were decent, had a couple good songs, but really mostly listened to by uber nerds on their way to star trek conventions.
Yeah well say what you will but high school was basically like legendary rock and roll band maroon five

It was a band led by Adam Levine
yeah i guess it's true that high school was a lot like adam levine in terms of having puffed up estrogen nipples and wearing a cod piece