Today on "Nature"


Veteran X
Today on Nature we study the human being. There are about 10 species of human being, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Human beings come in varying shapes and sizes, and varying levels of intelligence.

The European White: First of all we have the european white. Today they inhabit the majority of Europe and the United States. There are varying degrees of white: Some may be pasty white, some may be albino, some may be white chocolate. Whites are usually medium sized in frame and are also the one of the most intelligent of all humans. A white male is 10 times more likely to be employed than a black male. Unfortunately, being white is not all good. They suffer from the lack of a large penis (mostly found in the Irish breed) and a non exsistent sense of dance moves. They also usually have voices as if someone is constantly squeezing their testicles. Many of them tend to whine and bitch as if they don't live in a country where they have everything they could ever want or need.

The Arabian White: Second we have the Arabian white. Similar in many ways to the European white, they do have some differences. For example, Arabians tend to be as hairy as their distant relatives, the gorillas. They seem to enjoy flaunting their hair and not shaving, implying that their chest, ass, legs, and testicles are also covered in fur. The Arabian white will wear a shawl on his head distinguishing himself from normal people. Arabians tend to speak an annoying language filled with garbles and religious annoyances. They also tend to kill eachother to prove their point about religion.

The Asian: The Asian breed is the smartest of all humans. An example of this is Harvard University or MIT, where 90% of the student body is Asian. They inhibit parts of Asia such as Japan and China, 2 superpowers. Asians also speak in an annoying tone, ching chang hoi moi mumbles and grumbles. Their alphabet, due to their smartness, is made of of pictures rather than letters. Unfortunately the Asians have the smallest penises and physique of all humans, and thus they will constantly picked on and ridiculed by larger whites and blacks, regardless of their brain capacity.

The Black African American: The black African American is one of the most interesting species of human. The tend to have the largest physical frame, but the smallest brain. Their country, Africa, is one of the least developed nations in the world, and has the largest portion of AIDS carriers in the world. They are adept runners, capable of reaching speeds of 40 miles per hour. Since they are the biggest of all humans, they assume a dominance when approaching a white or asian on the street. They speak in a deep tone that is pleasurable to listen to, as opposed to Asians or Arabs.

The Mexican Latino: Next we have the Mexican Latino. These are the equivalent of hyenas of the human species. They will prey and take advantage of any opportunity given to them, and they are relentless hunters. Much like their cousins, the blacks, the Latinos have one of the smallest brains. Despite their small brains, they are great risk takers, sneaking into the White dominated country to find illegal employment opportunities to feed their families. Unforutnately for them, they also have one of the smallest physiques and most whites, arabs, and blacks assume physical superiority.

The Indian: Finally we study the Indian. Quite possibly the most annoying sounding species of human, Indians specialize in taking Americans tech support jobs. Despite their larger than average brains, their country remains one of the least developed in the world and is stricken with poverty. They are best known for dwelling Quick-E-Marts and telling people to "Get the Fuck out of my store or I will call campus Police". Indians bring the least to the table out of all humans, with boring personalities, annoying tones, and the ugliest physique of all humans.