today is a very sad day for brazil

brazilians in dota will join the us server and then insult you in portuguese for not speaking the proper language, and since there is voice over, they will use it for broken english or portuguese to either talk to each other and huehue or insult other people

they will also feed

i play with someone that can understand portuguese well enough to translate it for me and it just makes me angrier
the only way to avoid them in league is to raise your mmr above theirs... which is easy enough. it was the same deal with HoN.

giving the internet to brazil is like showing a calculus book to a dog... theyll just take a shit on it
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here's a true br story

once I played on a private lineage 2 server, and the admins held a simon says contest in an arena.

hundreds of people lined up to play and the contest started off with a lot of them getting eliminated in the first round

after about 15 minutes most of the players were dead including myself and there was only 2 players left

they went at it for another 2 minutes until an orc stood victorious

the admins went up to the orc and said "congratulations! is there anything you would like to say"

And the orc replied
"BR #1"

a part of me died that day :(
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When I see someone ask BR? I just troll them. It's quite enjoyable to poke at the broken english then twist the knife by switching to portuguese after they start raging.