To: Parents and Adults

they won't like it but will appreciate your honesty

if you tell them you are less likely to get in trouble but...they will watch you like a hawk and want to talk about it frequently.

if you wait until they catch you you're fuckered and the frequent talks you will have from this point on will be negative and they will treat you like a 4 year old.
Wil, I dont think itll be bad cuz your dad smokes (atleast I think he does).

But, if stuff goes wrong. Its been a fun.... 4 years? 5 years?
dough you are my nigga 4 lyfe. 4am krew.

Yeah my mom has been like "You smell like ciggarettes, dinner is ready."

My dad said he would beat me up if I ever started smoking.

I dont think I can take my Dad, I really doubt it, but I can tell he is getting old. Its sad. I feel bad for him haha.
Redz15 said:
My mom knows I have smoked marijuana before. I smoke a lot, everyday about, and I smoke ciggarettes a lot, I drink but I dont like to be drunk.

Anyways, This summer I have been doing a lot of this, but I have never been into any trouble. I think my parents may know whats up, but they havent asked or confronted me or anything.

I want to tell my parents I smoke ciggarettes and I like to drink. I think they should know.

Even though they havent asked, or caught me, or anything like that, as a parent, would you want to child to tell you this information? Or, if you didnt know, (Im not sure my parents know exactly what I do), would you want your kid to tell you...

I dont know what Im trying to say haha.

Cliff Notes:
My parents havent asked if I drink or smoke.
I am going to tell them that I do.

edit: im a freakin idiot, male.
It's fully up to you to decide whether they should find out on a 'need-to-know' circumstance or just let it out. Just remember, if you dont tell them now, they'll found out in somewhere like a hospital or maybe the next time you visit a doctor.

You might find that they may be more understanding to this habbit (remember they were teenagers once).
CR-Itchy said:
they won't like it but will appreciate your honesty

They won't like it and they may say they appreciate your honesty, but they really won't.

Unless you've been going to great lengths to conceal and lie about it, I can't imagine why you would want to volunteer this. Just wait til you're out of the house if you absolutely must.

On the other hand, you should have your ass kicked for smoking cigarettes.
Redz15 said:
My mom knows I have smoked marijuana before. I smoke a lot, everyday about, and I smoke ciggarettes a lot, I drink but I dont like to be drunk.

Anyways, This summer I have been doing a lot of this, but I have never been into any trouble. I think my parents may know whats up, but they havent asked or confronted me or anything.

I want to tell my parents I smoke ciggarettes and I like to drink. I think they should know.

Even though they havent asked, or caught me, or anything like that, as a parent, would you want to child to tell you this information? Or, if you didnt know, (Im not sure my parents know exactly what I do), would you want your kid to tell you...

No. Because as a general rule I know that if my child chooses to do anything potentionally harmful to his/herself that nothing I say or do is going to change their opinion, aside from whipping some Himmler-like antics out of some skeleton closet.

Cigarettes aren't just cargenogenous. Sure, they'll give you cancer, so will incense or soap if you use it in to large a supply. What's truly bad about cigarettes is the carbon monoxide. Quick biology lesson. You breathe in O2, you exhale CO2. O2 attaches to the hemoglobin in your redblood cells, travels around until a CO2 bumps it off. CO (carbon monoxide) will go in, seal to the hemoglobin and make that blood cell absolutely useless. Welcome asphyxiation fetish.

As a parent I would feel it was my duty to keep my child from harming themselves. If they want to drink, great. In my sight. Where I can do everything in my power to ensure that they aren't harmed. If they want to use marijuana, fine. As long as they use a vaporizer or use hash in it's edible substance.

Do I think you should tell your parents? Yes. They deserve to know. Do I think you should "smoke" anything? No. But life is subtle suicide, so do whatever makes you happy.