To all you Seniors in Highschool....

here are some of my topics:
- the time i went miniature golfing at midnight using really weird objects for putters
- how i analyze the sopranos
- the time i acted really goofy at math team
- lifeguarding and what is has meant to me
sLoGg said:
During my time spent at Naperville Central High school I have learned many things that I feel will help me in my future. I have done my best to undertake classes that I feel have challenged me and prepared me for my life. I am currently employed at “Turtle Wax” car wash, where I have been working since this June. I am one of the top employees and have received many compliments for my particular detail and my courtesy. I am also trusted with the cars that need the best job done that they can get. In my free time I enjoy playing basketball and tennis. I also enjoy working on computers doing digital art and I have taken many classes on the subject matter. After I graduate I wish to complete college with a major in marketing and a minor in management. I also someday hope to have a good family and a life that I can look back on and feel happy about.

To accomplish these goals I feel that Illinois State University is the best school for me. I recently visited the school this Columbus day and was very impressed and felt it out did any other campus that I visited. Thank you for taking the time to read my application and I hope to see you this fall.

please critique

you're a senior? :/ first off you need to learn how to make your writing flow

i don't blame you, public highschools teach you dick as far as english and writing goes

try not to use cliches, or be repetative (IE: me me me me, i i i i)

use transitional words in the beginning of sentances to reduce choppyness

and this: Thank you for taking the time to read my application and I hope to see you this fall.

i dunno sounds kinda, bleh
well i also got a 27 on my ACT which is what is needed for highly selective universities, and ISU isnt selective, the average there last year was 24

im working on revising it now and took into account all those I's and think im gunna have to get my counseler to read over it tomarrow (i have an appointment so that will be good)
don't go to college, you will just get fat. unless you go to PSU. if thats the case then you will just get on MTV.
Best college essay ever.
Kid was trying to get into Harvard. I forget where I heard this, but it always makes me giggle.

"What is the boldest thing you've ever done?"

his response was, "Fuck you."

they let him in :D
Heres my recommendation I had to write for a teacher, then he edits and adds to it, and sends it in:

In his junior year, Andrew took honors Physics, earning a mark of 92 for the year, and scoring a 770 on his physics SATII achievement test. This year he is taking AP Physics and has continued to do outstanding work, maintaining an A average to date. A hard worker and gifted student, he ranked well within the first decile of his class at the end of junior year.
Andrew has a genuine interest in mathematics and the sciences, both areas where he excels tremendously. After taking AP Chemistry last year, he received a score of five on the exam. He also has been the recipient of the class wide award for excellence in the study of mathematics for two of the past three years. However, Andrew’s academic strengths are not limited strictly to math and science by any means. A very well rounded individual, he is a National Merit commended student, scoring in the 99% on the verbal section of the exam. He is also member of the National Honor Society, and service is very important to him. Andrew volunteers his time at a local hospital and puts his education to good use by tutoring his neighbor in geometry and Latin. He plans to major in engineering, and I believe he is extremely well qualified for a first-rate engineering program.
In class, Andrew is inquisitive, diligent, focused, and dedicated, but he also truly shines in all of his endeavors. On the athletic front, he started competitively fencing freshman year, and through the same quick learning ability he exhibits in class, he quickly became an outstanding athlete, competing in varsity matches as early as freshman year. A member of the school newspaper and a tour guide for incoming freshman, Andrew is always working to improve life at school for his fellow classmates. His outstanding attitude and motivation drive him to settle for nothing less then excellence in everything he does. I believe he will continue this standard at college, and will absolutely make the school of his choice a better place.
It is with complete confidence and great enthusiasm that I recommend this exceptional young man to you as a most gifted candidate for admission.

Im currently working on my college essay, the question for the stanford application is Attach a photo and explain its meaning to you. I'm doing a world war two photo of my grandfather, and explaining what he meant to me, how I was affected by him ect.

Im sort of far behind cause I need to finish writing that 1 page essay, and 4 short answer questions by postmark deadline friday. :X :X :X
my postmark deadline is nov. 15 but i really have to get it in.

and yeah, i should put some of my stuff about volunteering on there....
i used to want to go to a 4 year univsersity, but now i kinda feel like there is no occupation i want that requires a 4 year degree