Time Machine Backup Equivilent for Windows?


Veteran XX
Anyone know of an incremental, easy to use, backup software I can install for a complete idiot? One of my users needs something with the functionality of Time machine, but on Windows. It pretty much needs to be made by PlaySkool for her to understand how to use it.
i use crashplan it rocks

last month our HD with all of our family photos + videos died. had it restored from crashplan within a day, and the HD replaced under warranty within 3 days.
In the real world we call "backing up Windows" making a good workstation image.
That's what I do, with True Acronis. But even that is too complicated for a girl unless you sit there and explain how to do it. The problem is, You (the OP) become tech support for her. Any problem and she's going to push a button trying to go back in time, screw something up, and then call you. The built in Window7 stuff is crap, only backs up files, not the registry. I've heard Windows8 is better. You'll have to suggest an external USB drive for the images.

TimeMachine is an external hard drive, with everything ready to back up the mac. So she'll need an external hard drive. Seagate external USB drives (GoFlex) come with backup software, but I haven't tried it. Daughter has one of these and it works great. We manually copy files to it.
This has great reviews.
or this for 2TB

What's cool about these drives, is you plug them in and go, no power cord needed. Review of the WD drive.

Honestly, I'd point her to the WD 2TB or 1TB drive, say it has backup software, and leave it at that.
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Disk Image software. Windows & Servers Backup Software. Win 7, 8, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista. Freeware (free version doesn't included scheduling)

Backup software for data backup and disaster recovery in Windows and Linux - Acronis

or this one which is free

Free Hard Disk Partition Manager, Backup Software, NTFS to FAT32 Converter - AOMEI Technology (includes scheduling)

or if you're using Windows 7/8 you can use Windows Backup to image your drive, I think the 8.1 update removes scheduling though.
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what do people recommend for an online backup service? If there are options that have good software that can automatically back up certain folders that'd be great, but if the software isn't good I could do it manually every few days.

I'd like it to be like $5 / month or something, maybe less, but I don't know what the prices are or what the reputable options are
TimeMachine is an external hard drive

Just to correct you, Time Machine is the backup software/service on the Mac, Time Capsule is the external hard drive (or AirPort device).

And for reference, while it's not easy, Windows Backup is actually quite good under Windows 7/8 now, while it doesn't have the whoopee graphical interface of Time Machine it does definitely have the backup functionality, you just have to restore using the Backup tool as well.
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