this video made me happy and incredibly sad at the same time


Here are my two little fuckers. They are about 4-5 months old now. Had them since they were smaller than my hand. Black one is Nox, gray is Murky and they are brother and sister. They follow me everywhere it's cute/annoying ;[
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If the cat was born blind - it really doesn't know what it's missing out on. So not really sad compared to humans that are born blind and have to put up with the beauty of the world being explained to them.

Video still made me :sad: because I had that same type of cat, lived to be about 20, and then got deaf/partially blind which didn't really work when his favorite sleeping spot was under my neighbors truck.
is this some kind of racial shit thread saying that we have to give our sons and daughters over to those of other races.

cause fuck that black for black white for white....END OF DAYS id rather see my son dead than mate with a black
is this some kind of racial shit thread saying that we have to give our sons and daughters over to those of other races.

cause fuck that black for black white for white....END OF DAYS id rather see my son dead than mate with a black


Another random comment in an otherwise straightforward thread.
so they could make a video milking the fact apparently

i mean seriously

first they say it's his first time playing with toys without saying if it was "ever" or, what is clearly the case here: the first time playing with toys (besides at the pound or the original owner's house.)

then me, the viewer, is confounded by the fact it can play with a ball that has bells for several minutes

fuck these assholes
Being treated much worse than being put down in a kennel somewhere then?

Not sure I understand why you're so angry about it.
I love how Tribalwar can still conjure up enough assholes to ruin a perfectly good kitten thread, even with its extra dose of awww
torturing how? she isn't holding the cat down. the cat isn't running away.

i am fairly certain the heat is not on giving the above two facts