This season of SG-1 is awful

Don't know what you guys are smoking. Claudia Black is just what SG1 needed - she cracks me up the whole damn time. I was the first to say it wouldn't be the same without "the four", but last season was pathetic. This season has been entertaining, mostly due to Vala's antics. It's a shame she's only around for a few episodes...
I'm gonna miss RDA, even though I think O'Neill ended up being written much dumber than he was supposed to be. (It did give us the running joke "...magnets!" but sometimes I cringed to see him being particularly clueless, even about basic astronomical stuff that he probably should have understood.)

Yes, I am a nerd. Fuck you.
I never liked the Farscape gal before but I thought she was kinda hot in the cotton undies.

Lexa Doig is hot but her best years are behind her, she was smoking on Hercules In Space, whatever that show is called.
Automatic Jack said:
I never liked the Farscape gal before but I thought she was kinda hot in the cotton undies.

Lexa Doig is hot but her best years are behind her, she was smoking on Hercules In Space, whatever that show is called.

Even if they aren't her best years ahead....they are still pretty nice ones. ;)
Claudia Black (Vala) has some great lines (better than the wise cracking Ben Browder):

"Let's make babies!" was great, especially how she said it.
I'm torn between her hotness, and the hatred of her ditziness...

Hopefully the shows will get better. Right now Atlantis is by far a better show than SG-1.
ktm said:
Claudia Black (Vala) has some great lines (better than the wise cracking Ben Browder):

"Let's make babies!" was great, especially how she said it.

She plays the role very well, IMO. She is a funny character.

I liked her in Pitch Black as well. Hopefully she gets more movie roles with her increased exposure via SG-1.
PJ said:
He left because he was sick of it.

I heard Sam left because she got knocked up. So one would assume she'll be back eventually.

And did you know Jackson is married to the new Doc on the show? (Lexa Doig or something like that).

wonder if that happen because of his spot on andromeda
PJ said:
The peak of that show was teal'c and oneill playing golf. That's all I'm saying. Its been down hill since then.

The time they were hitting balls through the open gate? I think I fell off the couch laughing.
Xplo said:
I'm gonna miss RDA, even though I think O'Neill ended up being written much dumber than he was supposed to be. (It did give us the running joke "...magnets!" but sometimes I cringed to see him being particularly clueless, even about basic astronomical stuff that he probably should have understood.)

Yes, I am a nerd. Fuck you.

I always thought O'neill played dumber than he is. I think some of the other characters even mention that a few times.
I loved the interaction between Teal'C and O'Neil. The new season just doesn't cut it like the old ones did; it makes me sad.
let's make babies was funny

i really liked the first episode of the season. however the whole ori thing is lame
I actually think the idea of a group of evil ascended could be interesting. And Claudia Black has been a great comic foil so far this season.
Yogi said:
I always thought O'neill played dumber than he is. I think some of the other characters even mention that a few times.

Oh, they do.. but he acts SO dumb sometimes that it sounds like a lame apology on the part of the writers, not character development.

The time they were hitting balls through the open gate? I think I fell off the couch laughing.

The whole episode was great. Riding a bike through the corridor, resigning so he can kiss Carter, painting the crazy face with condiments...