This is happening while Taking Screenshots


Veteran XV
I have all my Graphics set to Max so the Shots look good and clean but this keeps is wrong?

MY Specs:

2 gig of XMS Corsiar Ram

ATI Radeon x1800XT 256 MB Card 8x 16x

OCZ Tech 700 watt PSU

320 HD

And also my Tribes 1 and Tribes 2 Menus go Black when i set my Graphics Max..why is this?

The black graphics thing is because of anti aliasing. ATI drivers hate doing it with T1 and T2 for some reason. When you're in game it's actually perfectly fine, but any menus will have black flickery crap everywhere.

This script will sort of fix the problem in T2. There's still a lot of black flickery stuff all over, but it's not quite as bad.

As for the slanty thing I have no idea, I've never experienced that problem.
Well, in my professional medical opinion, it seems you're suffering from an acute case of teetwoitis.

Immediate removal of the application "Dynamix: Tribes 2" will most likely clear this up.
Wow, why did i waste my time..
If I searched your posts would I come to the conclusion that you're a helpful person around here? Lemme check.

EDIT: OK I checked. You ask for a lot but never offer anything. Good luck with that.

Welcome to Tribes new ATI user.

Does it freak with stock Tribes, or only Hudbot?
For example, this is a simple question that you neglected to answer yet you get pissy when no one can/will help.
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If I searched your posts would I come to the conclusion that you're a helpful person around here? Lemme check.

EDIT: OK I checked. You ask for a lot but never offer anything. Good luck with that.

For example, this is a simple question that you neglected to answer yet you get pissy when no one can/will help.

I don't know as much as a lot of others but if someone does ask about something then i do try to help if i know whats wrong and know the answer.

And i got pissy cause you can obviously tell that the Screenshots are Tribes 2.