This is for you Trump voters.

Sif Hillary never strapped on the plastic for Bill.

Who else has she got out the Velcro for?

One of the worst kept secrets in Washington circles is that Hillary Clinton is a lesbian.

HILLARY American Reviewer

Not that there's anything wrong with that, but perceptions play a part, and she plays on the whole woman family thing to touch those soft motherly hearts, that she'd probbaly like to lick and suck on.

Flowers claimed that Bill told her repeatedly that Hillary was “bisexual,” and that he was fine with it. He also told her that Hillary had “eaten more p*ssy than he had,” a statement which shocked the nation.
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They're trying to accuse Julian Assange of being a Pedo.

Julian Assange Fake Paedophilia Case Archives -


Timeline 2016

May, when self-claimed dating agency "ToddAndClare" (T&C) approach saying they were contacted by the Russian government
Sep 3, T&C email Assange’s Swedish lawyer Per Samualson offering one million dollars for Assange to appear in a video advertisement for the "dating agency" (See attachment). This is the first contact.
Sep 15, email sent from a member of Mr. Assange’s defence team to hannah@toddandclare requesting further details
Sep 19, emailed with elaborate bonafides, proposed agreement and the claim that the source of the million dollars is the Russian government The email states that T&C was approached by Russian representatives in May 2016 and that "The source of the $1,000,000 is the Russian government". The email then goes on to "verify" bonafides by giving a detailed description of the interior of the house and desk of his lawyer, Helena Kennedy, who is a member of the UK parliament, including a reference to a photo of Tony Blair (Kennedy states that the Blair reference is accurate although out-of-date).
Sep 20, a representative of Mr. Assange’s defence writes to stating that the proposal appears to be an "elaborate scam designed to entrap Mr. Assange’s reputation into unwanted and unwarranted publicity"
Sep 21, writes stating that "The offer expires at midnight, October 31st 2016."
Late Sep, WikiLeaks announce a press conference for Oct 4 for its ten year anniversary.
Late Sep, Press widely misreport that WikiLeaks is going to launch its "October Suprise" against Hillary Clinton on Oct 4, misinterpreting its press conference call

Oct 4, T&C files its "Assange paedophile" libel through the UN’s Global Compact system alleging that there is an active criminal investigation in the Bahamas against Julian Assange for the abuse of an eight year old girl and claiming to have chat logs and photos. The allegation appears on the UN website with UN Gobal Compact letter head and is contextualised with a complex back story. The request targets the UN WGAD (part of the UN Human Rights system) which found that Assange is being illegally detained by the United Kingdom and Sweden.
Oct 4, T&C files claim through the UK courts, apparently using it as a method to place the paedophile accusation into the public record. (See attachment).
Oct 4, WikiLeaks holds press conference, where it becomes clear that its publishing of Clinton related documents will occur later
Oct 5, T&C UK court claim arrives at Ecuadorian embassy in London
Oct 7, Friday, WikiLeaks commenses release of the Podesta Emails
Oct 11, T&C pushes out Assange paedophile claim through PRWeb newswire service
Oct 12, UN Global Compact delists T&C, citing "integrity" issues
Oct 12, T&C issues press release opposing UN delisting with an elaborate story, claiming that Julian Assange is threatening US citizens (T&C)
Oct 17, Investigative report into prepared for Mr. Assange’s lawyers is concluded, finding "T&C Network Solutions exhibits the characteristics of a highly suspicious and likely fabricated business entity." (See attachment "FINAL REPORT T&C 17 Oct 2016").
Oct 18, The paedophile part of the plot is launched through US democrat-aligned web site DailyKos and pushed by pro-Clinton twitter accounts.
Clinton voters don't get it, but image of the US as democracy with transparency and honest elections is history. A sophisticated banana republic.
This shit is bananas

This election, and Trump supporters in particular has so many parallels with Star Citizen. You all want to believe, you want it so bad.
This is going to be like the launch of NMS when you realise you were all conned. Imagine what happens if (lol) he doesn't win?

Half the world will go into meltdown

also please step up the posting, this needs to be at 1000 pages by election day. Todays effort was very good, many pages, no content - perfect politics
So Dems are outraged(but have produced absolutely no proof) that Russia is interfering with US elections. DNC is caught blatantly rigging primaries, while dem operatives with direct ties to Hildawg and Obama have been caught on tape boasting about committing voter intimidation and voter fraud. What am I missing here? Oh yeah, Clinton supporters are either the most dishonest or dumbest fuckers to ever live.
The mental acrobatics the cultural Marxists do is really, really fucking nuts.

16 years ago: Bush rigged the election!
Past year: Russia is rigging the election!
After tapes come out of dems rigging the election: LOL, US elections can't be rigged. Stop whining!
So Dems are outraged(but have produced absolutely no proof) that Russia is interfering with US elections. DNC is caught blatantly rigging primaries, while dem operatives with direct ties to Hildawg and Obama have been caught on tape boasting about committing voter intimidation and voter fraud. What am I missing here? Oh yeah, Clinton supporters are either the most dishonest or dumbest fuckers to ever live.
The mental acrobatics the cultural Marxists do is really, really fucking nuts.

16 years ago: Bush rigged the election!
Past year: Russia is rigging the election!
After tapes come out of dems rigging the election: LOL, US elections can't be rigged. Stop whining!

Two things are missing from these lists.

Clinton surrogates believe Obama committed voter fraud in 2008 in the Colorado primary. Clinton campaign hires observers for "election protection."

LEAK: Obama ‘Flooded The Caucuses With Ineligible Voters’ | The Daily Caller

The establishment is now warning against voter intimidation from Trump supporters. Trump protesters or observers might get jail time.

Log In - The New York Times

Trump’s voter intimidation squads could face a year in prison