This guy lifts

This thread sucks

Quick question Elvis - have you ever, just once, before posting this, stopped for a second and thought "Hmmm, this isn't actually very funny or original. In fact it never was even before I posted it 6000 times. So doing it continually is making me look like a bit of a cunt. Perhaps a better idea for today, for the general wellbeing of TW, would be to take a chainsaw and slice it through the middle of my PC, and then apply it firmly to my forehead".

Just curious.
Quick question Elvis - have you ever, just once, before posting this, stopped for a second and thought "Hmmm, this isn't actually very funny or original. In fact it never was even before I posted it 6000 times. So doing it continually is making me look like a bit of a cunt. Perhaps a better idea for today, for the general wellbeing of TW, would be to take a chainsaw and slice it through the middle of my PC, and then apply it firmly to my forehead".

Just curious.

Your post sucks.
Pssshhhh. Anyone can deadlift 500lbs with their right arm, I want to see him do it left-handed.