Thinking about playing

I'd actually like a quick explanation as well more in terms of pvp. Also curious as to how long it typically takes to gather enough skill points to be an effective PvP combatant?
Very simple description:
Lock onto enemy ship, turn weapons and other modules on, hope they blow up before you do.

It's more complicated than that once you factor in speeds, ranges, ecm vs eccm, assorted boosters, tanks, and so on.
time to be good in pvp?

Month for learning skills, if you plan on playing the game always do this first. It will speed up training time on your other skills.

After that, if you train for a specific skill? Another 2 months at most and you will fly that ship like a champ if you go for interceptors (small very fast ships) or assualt frigates (small, not as fast, but more durable ship)

On my first character I went strait for battleship, forgot about learning, and didnt learn any support skills really which means after a year + of playing? I still am not very succifient in any ship other then mining.

I recently learned my learning skills, and am going for interceptors with tier 2 weapons and it will be a lot better.

I started an alt account, got the learning skills done in about 3 weeks, and im moving on to intercepters with him and I will be very good at flying a crow with rockets in about a month to two months and I Will be just as good as my amarr which I am a year + into.

The thing about eve is, for the most part you will never catch up in skillpoints to someone else, but that doesnt matter as much since once you get the skills to specialize in a certain ship type, the other person for the most part will have those same skills and it will boil down more to skill. Will they have the advantage, yea, but will you be at a disadvantage? Not always. Ive seen newbs take out 2+ year accounts with the right ship against ship combo and smart play.
Shadow13 said:
time to be good in pvp?

Month for learning skills, if you plan on playing the game always do this first. It will speed up training time on your other skills.

After that, if you train for a specific skill? Another 2 months at most and you will fly that ship like a champ if you go for interceptors (small very fast ships) or assualt frigates (small, not as fast, but more durable ship)

So should I take Learning Skills - IE Analytical Mind, Recall, and Learning to 5 straight off? Right now, I'm taking Recall to 4 while the rest, including Iron Will, and spatial awareness are at 3. Should I take those all the way to 5 and then do the next ADVANCED ranks of the learning skills?

On my first character I went strait for battleship, forgot about learning, and didnt learn any support skills really which means after a year + of playing? I still am not very succifient in any ship other then mining.

I recently learned my learning skills, and am going for interceptors with tier 2 weapons and it will be a lot better.

What is a worthwhile ship type to go for then? I plan on going combat and thought about going cruisers, but I then thought maybe going capital battleships would be cool. Granted I don't really have a corporation really. I joined a newbie one and that's about it.

I started an alt account, got the learning skills done in about 3 weeks, and im moving on to intercepters with him and I will be very good at flying a crow with rockets in about a month to two months and I Will be just as good as my amarr which I am a year + into.

The thing about eve is, for the most part you will never catch up in skillpoints to someone else, but that doesnt matter as much since once you get the skills to specialize in a certain ship type, the other person for the most part will have those same skills and it will boil down more to skill. Will they have the advantage, yea, but will you be at a disadvantage? Not always. Ive seen newbs take out 2+ year accounts with the right ship against ship combo and smart play.

Yea, I understand the specialization thing. I've been reading hannibel's posts and the like and trying to get a great lead on the game. Its complexity is truly amazing at the moment to me and I feel so lost being solo and not having anyone really to talk to in game.
Ordos said:
So should I take Learning Skills - IE Analytical Mind, Recall, and Learning to 5 straight off? Right now, I'm taking Recall to 4 while the rest, including Iron Will, and spatial awareness are at 3. Should I take those all the way to 5 and then do the next ADVANCED ranks of the learning skills?

The nice thing about training your learning skills to lvl5 is that you can then train the advanced learning skills to lvl3 in less than a day for each one. That's 3 attribute points extra in less than a day. Highly recommended.

Besides, when you're done with learning skills, you're done with learning skills and don't have it on your mind ever again. It's been a big help for me.

If you arent running in big groups frigates or cruisers tech 1 you are going to get owned. Even solo against solo most of the time you will prolly lose. If I Were you, I would problably go for interceptors first. They are cheap, which means you dont lose a lot of money if you get podded, they are fast, so its easy to escape a fight if you need, and they can be setup to kill other frigs and interceptors one on one pretty easily, more so if you spend the time to go tech 2 small weapons.

I would ask a lot more of the pvp guys around here, I was mostly industrial for my first year of playing with small pvp skirmishes with corp mates. I am just now going interceptors on my caldari and not done fully training him.
Interceptors are the most fun by far. Relatively cheap thrills. They are also the most commonly destroyed ship in the game as they are used for scouts and suicide missions often. Be prepared to lose many.

I would train up for them directly AFTER you are secure in a money making npcing ship (Battleship or battlecruiser most likely). Ceptors are relatively cheap, ranging from 10 million to 30 million fully fitted (crow prices suck). However that first 1 million as a newbie is extremly hard to earn, so be sure to find a reliable source of income first.

Obligatory ASCN sucks
ES_GATO! said:
However that first 1 million as a newbie is extremly hard to earn, so be sure to find a reliable source of income first.

Obligatory ASCN sucks

I have that problem. I've only been able to acquire a level I agent so far and its a nightmare making cash running missions at the moment.