Think a Little Porn Is Harmless? This Is Guaranteed to Change Your Mind.

Kate's Vagina ‏@KatesVag 20 Jun 2012
@Kateplusmy8 From Jon's lips to my lips!
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Kate's Vagina ‏@KatesVag 20 Jun 2012
@Kateplusmy8 No swimming for me. I never get wet.
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Kate's Vagina ‏@KatesVag 20 Jun 2012
@Kateplusmy8 Completely worn out today. Whew!
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Kate's Vagina ‏@KatesVag 19 Jun 2012
@kateplusmy8 Kate! Trim your nails! Ouch!
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Kate's Vagina ‏@KatesVag 19 Jun 2012
@kateplusmy8 Does Fig & Olive bake their own bread because the yeast smell is overpowering tonight.
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Kate's Vagina ‏@KatesVag 19 Jun 2012
@Underwalt @kateplusmy8 It is slightly disappointing, but I read my Kindle until it's over.
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Kate's Vagina ‏@KatesVag 19 Jun 2012
@Underwalt @salleywinner @kateplusmy8 Steve's a busy beaver tonight. Errr, Steve's busy with a beaver tonight.
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Kate's Vagina ‏@KatesVag 19 Jun 2012
@Kateplusmy8 Blocked like a Karate Chop! #JonIsBlockedFromEntering
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Kate's Vagina ‏@KatesVag 19 Jun 2012
@Kateplusmy8 Only person I've blocked is Jon. #BLOCKED
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Kate's Vagina ‏@KatesVag 19 Jun 2012
@Kateplusmy8 Speaking of hit counts, I'm exhausted!
Chasing after your appetites will never satisfy you. You will spend your entire life chasing the next high. There's more to life than that. 
I blame
God is going to save us from porn?

Yeah OK Christians.

As soon as I heard the word "Gospel" I knew this was gonna be a church/religion thing. Religion and the deification of Jesus is NOT the solution to this problem. It would be nice if it was, but it was also nice if all the sheep followed the Shepard obediently with the herd.
As soon as I heard the word "Gospel" I knew this was gonna be a church/religion thing. Religion and the deification of Jesus is NOT the solution to this problem. It would be nice if it was, but it was also nice if all the sheep followed the Shepard obediently with the herd.

The true solution is purity of heart via abiding in the Spirit of the life of Jesus Christ (which is something both Jesus and Paul clearly teach as repeated in the Bible).

Instead the churches generally teach this "trust Jesus" baloney where they think Jesus "paid their penalty" and thus they are saved if they simply "believe it" and then some time later the transormation in their lives will occur, yet in the meantime they live as hypocrits and bring ridicule upon their profession.

The basic fundamental of everything Jesus taught was within the context of a heart being made clean or pure and from that internal purity would flow the outward good conduct.

I didn't watch the video but the solution to pornography addiction is when the addict forsakes the lusts of their flesh (through a true brokenness or coming to an end of themselves) and makes the choice to abide in the Spirit of God which will only lead them to right behaviour. The Spirit of God, not being resisted anymore, then empowers the individual by opening their minds eye so to speak to the truth.

Quite a mouthful but that is how I see it.
Chasing after your appetites will never satisfy you. You will spend your entire life chasing the next high. There's more to life than that. 

I watched that video and it seems to be just another well intentioned endeavour conducted within the framework of the common theology of Christianity.

When all these denominations teach that everyone is "born a sinner" and that they will "always be sinners" and that all their "righteousness is as filthy rags" then how on earth can they expect anyone to do with right thing? In their mind everyone is on a sliding scale of filthiness on a road leading to cleanliness although they believe they will never quite get there. it is inconsistent to claim condemnation on any conduct from such a fallacious position.

I know when I do wrong it is because I choose to do it, not because of some nature I was born with. I also know that Jesus is not some cloak for me to put on while I continue to do wrong here and there. I lot of Christian people believe that Jesus is their cloak while they continue to do wrong and then go around trying to convert other people to put on the cloak too.

Anyway that is what I think :D
It does them no credit to frame it as an evil of men and only men. Have these folks never met a woman who likes porn? Honestly? Dumb.