Things that don't add up *political*


Veteran XX
There are some crazy conspiracies out there no doubt and I brush most of them off. However, I have yet to have an answer for some things, even my Air Force family and friends are at a loss.

1) Why is Biden being flown around in a plane that looks like Air Force 2 and doesn't have the emblem on its side. Just an emblem they hung on the exit door. Yet they still regard it in MSM as if it is AF1 (yes I know any plane the president is in is AF1, but they call it his first ride in AF1 like its the one)

2) Why isn't Bidens plane receiving air force escorts in the air?

3) When they show the oval office a red building in viewed in the background that is not in D.C. but that same red building is present at Amazon Studios

4) When they show footage from D.C. there are leaves on the trees and no snow present and they just got blasted with snow?

I am not supporting any conspiracies I just would genuinely like to know what is going on if anyone has an idea.
Biden lost
The election was stolen
This is a fact
What is conjecture is that Vanster helped make that possible and he's just itching to rub it in our faces... like The Times article, they think they're justified and want to brag about 'the greater good'. At this point about Biden and AF1/2... globalists are making it all up, he's not in charge, and there is nothing that can be believed coming out of the WH or MSM.... so ya, whatever about planes. But be careful, they'll put out false flags, prove them wrong and then say, 'those crazy conspiracy people, just dismiss them'.
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I'd like to hear more.

**some of the BS I have brushed off.... lol ok

I hear people on Facebook say biden is arrested this is a clone, biden is being forced to do what he is doing, doing radical changes on purpose so people see how crazy these ideas are, there is a shadow government etc... my God just read the comments on the biden first af1 flight on youtube
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this is an important reminder that alvarez is anti-vax with an even crazier anti-vax wife

I have never been anti-vax Pagu. I have a child who was rushed to the hospital after getting his vaccine and he stopped breathing. I thought people were past all that but it was a scary experience I came here and asked about and a few people attacked me. I don't remember/know you but you were probably one of them. Jesus why would something like this stay in your head? My wife works as a consultant nurse as well.. this was 15 years ago... weirdo
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Vaccines are not a something-for-nothing magic solution. Sucks about your kid. That would sure as hell make me re-think vaccinating him further.
I have never been anti-vax Pagu. I have a child who was rushed to the hospital after getting his vaccine and he stopped breathing. I thought people were past all that but it was a scary experience I came here and asked about and a few people attacked me. I don't remember/know you but you were probably one of them. Jesus why would something like this stay in your head? My wife works as a consultant nurse as well.. this was 15 years ago... weirdo
sure if you want to ignore all the anti-vax debates with you and your insane wife, but glad you've dropped the anti-vax stuff for the "biden is a lizard clone" stuff.
Never had any debates over not vaxxing I have said many times clearly they can cause damage and I think the preservatives have gotten out of hand in them. Also our doctor said to discontinue vaxinations for the time being which is what started people saying I was antivax. I have posted that we were cleared to move forward.

You clearly have issues reading I am not saying any of that about biden just looking for a valid reason he isn't in AF1. Also why isn't he getting jet escorts. What is so crazy about asking that? Wow never realized I had tw posters obsessed with me
The future Air Force one is in the shop being pimped out. Btw, Air Force One is any jet Biden is in at anytime