They did it to me again


Veteran XV
TL: DR Doctors do the "You are going to die. No, wait, you are not going to die shit to me once more."

On tuesday I had a detailed scan done to see how my chemo was doing with the cancer. After it was done my cancer doctor calls me in a panic telling me I need to get to the ER because my gallbladder is a mass of infection.

Now, I've been having gallbladder problems since all this shit started, and was already talking with a local surgeon about removing it as a previous scan had shown it to have a large stone in it. But, as of tuesday, I wasn't experiencing any more discomfort then usual. And certainly didn't feel infected (believe me when I say I know how that feels).

But, I had a procedure already scheduled Wednesday at Kansas University in Kansas City so went ahead and went to that and told them about my oncologist saying I was infected.

They admitted me into the hospital that afternoon, and then spent the rest of the evening trying to track down my oncologist (she also works for KU) and the records of the scan (done at one of KU's cancer centers). Finally, thanksgiving morning they get everything together and then come to me with the results.

This is the fun part.

The first doctor to see me that morning is a surgeon. He tells me that my gallbladder isn't infected. Instead, my gallbladder is cancerous. So cancerous in fact that he's scared to operate on it. And it's probably spread to my pancreas and liver. That I needed to get back with my oncologist and see what can be done in the little time I have left.

A couple of hours later the second doctor arrives. He's older, and turns out to be the guy in charge. He says that my gallbladder isn't cancerous, and may, in fact, be a bit infected. That there is some swelling. And there is probably a stone in there. But I just need to get back with the surgeon I've already been talking to about taking my gallbladder out, and get it done. Oh, and the PET/CT scan showed my lymphoma cancer is pretty much cured.

He then released me for the hospital and I got home in time for thanksgiving dinner.

Get more then one opinion from doctors about your conditions. I swear they will give you 4 different diagnoses each time.
Don't let them take a biopsy. That makes it spread, and you're done at that point.

If you eat healthy, cancer can be reversed. The doctors won't tell you that because they want you taking drugs. Watch all the health movies
"Hungry For Change"
"Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"
"Eat Like A Nutritarian"
Whatever you don't take advice from NGFM. He's an alarmist.

And a dick.

- Tapatapatapatalk
Don't let them take a biopsy. That makes it spread, and you're done at that point.

If you eat healthy, cancer can be reversed. The doctors won't tell you that because they want you taking drugs. Watch all the health movies
"Hungry For Change"
"Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"
"Eat Like A Nutritarian"
Your rabbit diets are bullshit. No wonder you let women walk all over you.

Increase your iodine intake to 2MG a day and eat some fucking steak for fuck sake.
Don't let them take a biopsy. That makes it spread, and you're done at that point.

If you eat healthy, cancer can be reversed. The doctors won't tell you that because they want you taking drugs. Watch all the health movies
"Hungry For Change"
"Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"
"Eat Like A Nutritarian"

Your delusion is like watching a train derail, then blast off into the sun.
The body can heal itself, good nutrition is key:
Don't let them take a biopsy. That makes it spread, and you're done at that point.

If you eat healthy, cancer can be reversed. The doctors won't tell you that because they want you taking drugs. Watch all the health movies
"Hungry For Change"
"Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"
"Eat Like A Nutritarian"
Your body can heal itself provided it has a nutrition rich diet. I wish you the best.
Don't let them take a biopsy. That makes it spread, and you're done at that point.

If you eat healthy, cancer can be reversed. The doctors won't tell you that because they want you taking drugs. Watch all the health movies
"Hungry For Change"
"Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"
"Eat Like A Nutritarian"

do you have any idea what this guy has been through

do you have any class