The Wire has RUINED television for me.

Le Sean

Veteran XV
I recently watched the entire series over the span of a few days having previously only seen the first season.

Just tried to watch the first ep of Dexter-a show I actually like, and thought it really failed to keep my attention. Entourage was okay, but only because I don't expect anything from that show besides the girls. Man, seasons 1-4 of the wire almost ruined season 5 of the wire for me since it dropped off a bit.

Fuck you McNulty. Where the fuck is Wallace??? Am I doomed or does this eventually wear off?
I thought Season 5 was awesome actually, it really was funny watching mcnulty moving homeless bodies around and shit :rofl:

The show is like no other, I actually get nostalgic about it and I only finished watching all of em about two months ago.
I started watching The Wire due to someone on TW mentioning it, and I'd have to agree... definitely one of, if not THE best shows on TV. I stopped watching at the beginning of season 5 though, I will have to go back and finish it.

I still love the hell out of Dexter though, and can't wait for the rest of season 3 to come out.
^^^ :rofl:

When I saw that actor in 25th hour playing, what, a DEA agent or something going SHIEEEEEEEEEEiiit I busted up laughing.

And yeah, season 5 is great-it just came close to over the top I thought in terms of characterization. Had a good message though that it didn't even hit you over the head with that was pretty damn easy to miss or mistake for the 'obvious' lesson/theme. Also, season five has a very surprising cameo by Munch if there are any Homicide fans in the audience.

I'll give House a shot-I've always meant to since Doaln's thread. Where the fuck is that lovable man anyway?
I've only seen seasons 1-3 so far, and it's one of my favorite shows ever. Definitely my favorite cop-drama. Great writing, great story lines...just all around awesome.
You have to see season 4. Season 3 has some great badassatry and the ending is just so fierce, but season 4 somehow takes it up a notch. Things happen so fluidly that you dont realize just how much shit you are in for until it's too late, especially since it focuses on kids/the educational system. The ending to season 4 is mind-blowing.