[the United States has fallen] superpower? more like superfailure amirite

the people I go to school with have a six pack on the way during their drive in the morning

they would probably get into an accident sober
its called alcoholism, and you aren't one to talk about bad boys.
I have all my life to pursue those things. The unique thing about going to college is I get to meet people that still have life in them... what is the fullness of life? God is still answering my prayers, that is good enough for me.
Most people your age in college are trying to be doctors. Is it fun playing peter pan? Maybe you and Obi can stay in college forever!
by the standard of society alcoholism maybe, and maybe you could define a bad boy?

I don't claim to be one, plenty of friends that are though, until they got jealous that I was successful and they weren't. Their upfront attitude tends to work for them and against them.
I think Obibun is the only Canadian I've heard about how stuff is supposedly cheaper in Canada than in the US.

I drink US microbrews that are, on average, a 7.5% alcohol content. In addition, why do you, Obibun, care if beer is super cold? You realize that if a beer is to be drank at a super cold temperature it is, ultimately, a crappy beer? Anyone that drinks strictly Budweiser, Coors, etc is either A) inbred or B) a redneck.

Also, I have tons of oil, natural gas, and the like around me. Not sure where what you're going on about that for.

As far as the army... Yeah I haven't really agreed with the Afghanistan/Iraq/Now Libya shit as it seems to be all just be a much more grandiose Vietnam.

Togo: You're an alcoholic, you hang with alcoholics, and if we're lucky, you will be dead within 6 months from a drunk driving wreck.
Most people your age in college are trying to be doctors. Is it fun playing peter pan? Maybe you and Obi can stay in college forever!

nice edit. I don't care what society says. I was asked recently in an interview why I decided on such a radical career change. Wasn't sure what to say... the least I can say is that studies show that most people don't know what they really want to do until at least their mid 20's, so it doesn't seem all that bad

they gave me the opportunity to commit in the CRA, I turned it down. I don't want to be an unhappy government worker all my life, and I paid for the education myself.

I have an issue with college boys that let other people pay for their education, but this is mine.
Beer, Here ........

Convenience stores

They locks the "beer" display coolers at 12 midnight!

Liquor stores at 9 pm. :shrug:
yes to the first and uh no for the second

no bar or restaurant I've ever been to would let you take liquor home with you. Maybe it's an Ontario thing or a bylaw in the cities I've been to, but all beers are opened before being given to you (and you can't request to keep them closed) and as soon as it's opened on the premises, it has to stay on the premises.

Anyway I'm off to see Battle: LA.. peace

You fail at reading
becuz we r talking beer i will bitch about canadian beer


u just cant buy yankee jim unless u go to the lcbo

wtf is that

yanks is a great buck a beer
i wuld put it up there with ready

it is 2 bad there is no true buck a beer in canada anymore (is there>)

i now buy whatever shitty bottle of wine on sale in bulk
Only came here to one neg [strike]Obibun[/strike] Adam Mitter and put :flag: in the comments

And two to post these:



and finally


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obibun mentioned that beer should be bought cold

but then goes on to say that canadians are super gr8 at planning ahead

so couldn't they just refrigerate it during that time

obibun mentioned that beer should be bought cold

but then goes on to say that canadians are super gr8 at planning ahead

so couldn't they just refrigerate it during that time


Obibun represents Canada as much as Togowack, orbital, trop...


BRB, emigrating
I sure am glad the entire American economy is falling apart due to steeply rising labour costs, constant strife and the utter invincibility of unions.

The best part is all of this production that is basically bankrupting their country (massive bailouts?) is going to foreign markets. the United States is bankrupting itself to produce for other countries. Shitttt.

Canadian auto dealers buy American cars because they're about ~60% the price. Buy them up in huge fucking truckloads. Meanwhile Ford and GM are taking tens of billions of dollars in bailout money to fly their private jets around and pay their unskilled workers ridiculous salaries.

All so that Canadians can have a strong, inexpensive high standard of living.. with free healthcare to boot.


Ford didnt take any money.
Give em some credit.
What Canadian cars can we buy?
I drink US microbrews that are, on average, a 7.5% alcohol content. In addition, why do you, Obibun, care if beer is super cold? You realize that if a beer is to be drank at a super cold temperature it is, ultimately, a crappy beer? Anyone that drinks strictly Budweiser, Coors, etc is either A) inbred or B) a redneck.



only on tribalwar does someone try to brag about their fussy nerdvirgin beer snobbery and follow it by saying "why should beer be cold when you drink it?"
mainly im posting to enjoy my new vetX but i love vancouver and whistler and would go again over and over...but would rather live in the US. Also i love obi's post about the english language from a while back and he helped with the football mod so I have no beef :)
Everything cool comes from SUPER AWESOME AMERICA FUCK YEAH.

Everything stupid and pointless comes from Canada and Mexico.