the saga of woody tiger


I traded my soul for this title
Veteran XV
i can say honestly that i usually don't follow 'media' scandals, but this one has captured my attention due to the nature of things involved

-#1, most dominant, athlete in the world
- questionable car wreck (lots of things not explained here)
- swedish super model wife
- voicemail
- the hot bitches that keep coming forward
- hes now apparently paying millions (5 mil to wife, extra 60 on the prenup to stay with him - millions to some of the girls not to talk) to keep them from coming forward

the latest thing is there are supposedly nude photos of jaimee grubbs, the supposed cocktail waitress who actually works in a medical marijuana dispensary.

additionally, the rachel chick has said they commonly got fucked up on ambien and have crazy ambien sex (??)

essentially, there are a lot of parts to this story unfolding which made a previously very bland absolute champion seem a lot more human.

i'm interested to see how many bitches come out of the wood work. im guessing this is just the start.

im sure someone has the nudes of jaimee grubbs. someone.
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Who. Fucking. Cares.

He's a dude, and he's filthy rich. Of course he does drugs and bangs hot chicks on the side. What the fuck else is he gonna do?
I heard when he saw the damage to his Escalade he thought that he probably should've just gotten a Hummer instead.
Who. Fucking. Cares.

He's a dude, and he's filthy rich. Of course he does drugs and bangs hot chicks on the side. What the fuck else is he gonna do?

I would buy like a million lego pieces and build myself a lego house.
Who. Fucking. Cares.

He's a dude, and he's filthy rich. Of course he does drugs and bangs hot chicks on the side. What the fuck else is he gonna do?

if you dont want to see naked photos of the hot bitches that the #1 athlete in the world fucks, you might as well spread your cheeks, take the dick out of your ass and reattach it to your crotch you canadian faggot
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if you dont want to see naked photos of the hot bitches that the #1 athlete in the world fucks, you might as well spread your cheeks, take the dick out of your ass and reattach it to your crotch you faggot

You obviously care more about the dude who fucks those hot chicks, so you're the one needing a cock transplant. Faggot.
oh yeah that made a lot of sense

get the fuck out if you dont have nude photos or something constructive to contribute you worthless piece of shit
yeah that part surprised me as well

Now we've learned that Uchitel told friends that she and Tiger liked to have sex while taking the drug Ambien. Uchitel told one pal, 'You know you have crazier sex on Ambien - you get into that Ambien haze. We have crazy Ambien sex.'"

Ambien is a sedative used for short-term treatment of insomnia. Many people claim it enhances sexual experience dramatically immediately after ingesting it.
Golfers aren't athletes. All you middle aged fucks who think that because of Tiger, Golf is a sport that requires athleticism, need to stick your head back into your ass and stfu.
Golfers aren't athletes. All you middle aged fucks who think that because of Tiger, Golf is a sport that requires athleticism, need to stick your head back into your ass and stfu.

obviously you have never played golf