The political thread to end all political threads [DATABASE] [STICKY]

describe yourself on:


Death Penalty
kill 'em all

Gay Rights
ssssssssupppp'r FAB-u-lusss

Illegal Immigration
at least I don't have to mow the lawn

Federal Budget
why bother

War (this one)
too long, lost interest

War (in general)
makes for good documentaries in about 50 years

fun to watch on Mythbusters

Net Neutrality
stay away from my bandwidth, asshole

keep really worthless people from getting jobs and making ordering fast food that much shittier

Smoking Bans
the one here has been nice

Transfats/Soda-tax etc
don't make me pay more for delicious

Religion (in govt)
makes the baby Jesus cry

Religion (in general)
shit happens

keeps people in check

Israel v. Palestine
i don't watch soccer

Best Korea v. South Korea
see above


Bill Clinton
probably a little sweaty

George W Bush
8 years of really good Daily Shows

Barack Obama

Sarah Palin
cold cunt combo

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.)
Abortion -- Grab the hanger, plug in the vacuum

Death Penalty -- I don't know

Gay Rights -- Special, unenumerated rights? No.

Illegal Immigration -- We should not reward cheaters

Federal Budget -- Whatever. My heart won't be broken if the government collapses in bankruptcy. However, unlike so many in this country, I'm more than willing to pay my share of taxes to help keep the wheels greased.

War (this one) -- Tribalwar kicks ass.

War (in general) -- Makes for great movies and video games. I have little respect for people who are fans of actual war.

Guns -- Offer the average citizen one last, desperate, final shred of hope that the people will be able to defend themselves from an increasingly authoritarian government.

Net Neutrality -- I only care if I'm talking to and trying to fuck a hot chick who cares about net neutrality.

Drugs -- Light 'em up

Smoking Bans -- Light 'em up

Transfats/Soda-tax etc -- Good news, everyone! Fatties will finally have to start to foot some of the medical costs incurred by their gluttony.

Religion (in govt) -- Still useful in some societies; unnecessary, divisive and irresponsible in societies like ours.

Religion (in general) -- It can be a very effective approach to finding meaning in life

Terrorism -- What the government does to its own people in the name of national security

Israel v. Palestine -- To hell with both of those groups of whiny little girls.

Best Korea v. South Korea -- The South Koreans constantly piss and moan about US military bases in the area. I say let Kim Jong Il roll through without trying to stop him.

PETA -- Poorly Educated Total Assholes

Bill Clinton -- O.G.

George W Bush -- I have to admit, I kind of miss his "fuck the rest of the world" attitude sometimes. I'm glad he's gone, though.

Barack Obama -- Too weak; disappointing. He needs to lay it down like it is, and throw more insults at his opponents.

Sarah Palin -- I think it would be cool to cruise the Alaskan woods with her and her assault rifle and waste a bunch of wildlife.

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.) -- stunned and haggard
Let them people choose, but illegal beyond first trimester? Sure, that sounds good.

Death Penalty
Cheaper the better. Spending tax dollars to house pedos rapists and murders is nonsense, but then again so is the current appeals process. Make it cheap! One bullet to the head, done deal.

Gay Rights
If you enjoy stickin it to other men, go for it.

Illegal Immigration
Deport em if caught. No benefits, no social programs of any kind.

Federal Budget
Uh, yes, the fed needs a budget. (??)

War (this one)
Stop sending soldiers and tax dollars to shitholes in the middle east?

War (in general)

We should be free to buy them, the only requirement should be a quick background check for criminal record and mental illness.

Net Neutrality
Governments stay the fuck out, ISPs stick to providing the bandwidth in exchange for money. Users please dictate the rest.

Free-for-all, motherfuckers! Wanna do meth and heroin? Go for it, life is short. On the flipside: no state or federal money should go towards shelters or any kind of help for the addicts.

Smoking Bans
Ban the shit in public buildings, allow private establishments to dictate the rest.

Transfats/Soda-tax etc
Don't tax, don't subsidize.

Religion (in govt)
100% separation of religion and government.

Religion (in general)
Freedom of religion, freedom of choice, etc etc.

Is bad. Kill terrorists.

Israel v. Palestine
Stop sending tax dollars over there, let them sort their own shit out.

Best Korea v. South Korea
Flatten the fuck out of North Korea at earliest convenience.


Bill Clinton
He was okay I guess. Other than the gun bans and what-not.

George W Bush
Fucked lots of shit up, spent lots of money.

Barack Obama
Gonna continue fucking shit up and spending lots of money.

Sarah Palin
Not even worth a mention.

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.)
describe yourself on:

Abortion +

Death Penalty -

Gay Rights +

Illegal Immigration +

Federal Budget +

War (this one) -

War (in general) -

Guns +

Net Neutrality +

Drugs +

Smoking Bans +

Transfats/Soda-tax etc +

Religion (in govt) -

Religion (in general) 0


Israel v. Palestine

Best Korea v. South Korea


Bill Clinton

George W Bush

Barack Obama

Sarah Palin

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.)

I got through most of those before I decided this thread is stupid.

I'm a socialist. You're really asking people what they think of war in general? War is unpleasant but sometimes necessary. <--- I'm guessing 2% or lower will strongly disagree with that statement.
Abortion: Not my business, do what you want

Death Penalty: 1 appeal with latest available forensics, then fry them

Gay Rights: Same rights as everyone else

Illegal Immigration: I don't like expensive strawberries or maid service. Let them in but stop paying for their health care.

Federal Budget: No such thing. Budgets by definition have limits.

War (this one): Stupid

War (in general): Great

Guns: Fine in the hands of the responsible

Net Neutrality: Whatever protects corporate interests first

Drugs: Not my business, do what you want just don't drive

Smoking Bans: Don't smoke, don't care. Should be up to businesses if they want to allow it or not though

Transfats/Soda-tax etc: Stupid, it would only increase the cost of our food beyond what it would cost to replace with healthier options

Religion (in govt): No place

Religion (in general): Worship what you want, just don't tell me what to do

Terrorism: Overblown

Israel v. Palestine: I don't live there, fuck them both

Best Korea v. South Korea: kekekekekeke

PETA: Whack jobs

Bill Clinton: Had it easy, takes too much credit

George W Bush: Had it tough, but mostly brought it on himself

Barack Obama: Spending too much

Sarah Palin: Nice shoes, would fuck

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.) Open minded free thinker
I just came in here to say Rand Paul and laugh and remind you that you left off this political litmus test:

What is the age of the Earth?
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describe yourself on:

- choice

Death Penalty
- support in some cases

Gay Rights
- you had me at "rights", they shouldn't need action on this, it should be "self evident" to all citizens

Illegal Immigration
- keep the good ones and throw back the bad, ~90% of illegals work and pay some form of taxes.

Federal Budget
- needs cut all across the board, including military, social services, SS needs to get to getting out what you put in.

War (this one)
- by the next election it'll be a decade old, we are russia on this matter...

War (in general)
- some people will only listen to you when you smack them upside the head.

- I'm a gun owner

Net Neutrality
- supporter

- been there, done them
- certainly pot should be legal and many others...never meth

Smoking Bans
- support them, I'm the worse kind, a reformed smoker...

Transfats/Soda-tax etc
- no

Religion (in govt)
- NO

Religion (in general)
- your choice

- perspective...

Israel v. Palestine
- perspective but currently Israel needs to quit being a dick on Gaza.

Best Korea v. South Korea
- Fuck NK

- People Eating Tasty Animals

Bill Clinton
- one of our better presidents, impeachment was a fucking joke

George W Bush
- should be imprisoned for the lies he made to go to war

Barack Obama
- judgement is still out, I don't like his acceptance and extension of many of the Bush policies in regards to making us "safe".

Sarah Palin
- I'm glad she is the current lot on the rights problem. She's building up some political IOUs and I'm wondering what she expects versus what she'll get.

- I'd like to get between the sheets one time.

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.)
- independent
describe yourself on:

Abortion: I'm for abortions, just not a woman's right to choose.

Death Penalty: should be applied for anything above and including theft.

Gay Rights: gays should have equal rights in every respect, including the right to get married and adopt.

Illegal Immigration: Landmine the border, then deport the ones that are already here. End this citizenship solely from being born on American soil stuff, citizenship derives from the citizenship of the parents or awarded in rare cases of merit.

Federal Budget: Increase taxes and slash social welfare entitlement programs. balance the budget in 5 years through pain.

War (this one): This is an unjustified war. Get with the program or pull out now.

War (in general): The only way to justify war is by defense or conquest. We need to go into the middle east, enslave the primitive population, and take their oil. In return we will give them civilization.

Guns: are awesome. Gun laws only hurt to the law abiding, not criminals.

Net Neutrality: Pro

Drugs: Legalize all drugs and tax the shit out of them. This earns us money and kills off the undesirable elements of our society. Win-win.

Smoking Bans: Smokers get the outdoors, nonsmokers get the indoors. This seems fair.

Transfats/Soda-tax etc: Pro, but not an issue I care about

Religion (in govt): Religion in government is offensive and a throwback to the time before the enlightenment.

Religion (in general): Will be tolerated only insofar as it does not interfere with the running of the state. The religious will be listed in case purges are needed.

Terrorism: Terrorism only exists because we allow it. The mere fact we are willing to put up with it is a sign our civilization has grown soft.

Israel v. Palestine: Israel should win because they are more civilized.

Best Korea v. South Korea: I would give North Korea Nukes. One for every city, as a warning to other nations.

PETA: Harmless and will be tolerated unless they prove inconvenient.

Bill Clinton: Better than Obama

George W Bush: Better than Obama, but that's not a high standard.

Barack Obama: the first President in US history who actively dislikes America. He is the worst President in history.

Sarah Palin: I would stick my penis in her retard maker

What do you call yourself (republican, liberal, tea, jedi, whatever.)
