The Official Tucker on Twitter Thread

article said:
It is journalism’s job to be true to the readers and viewers, and true to the facts, in a way that will stand up to history’s judgment. To do anything less would be untenable.

I love when people talk about truth and add qualifiers to frame how it should look.

Uno because truth now is different from what future truth is going to look like.

Feels like this article from 2016 charted the course for journalism since then.

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who told you that?

also, your point?

You mentioned it in another thread.

You are a literal state pawn.
Literally signed away your personal autonomy to a state that hasn't run a justifiable war in 70 odd years.

And here you are everyday, frothing about ppl who you think do t take personal liberty seriously.
You mentioned it in another thread.

You are a literal state pawn.
Literally signed away your personal autonomy to a state that hasn't run a justifiable war in 70 odd years.

And here you are everyday, frothing about ppl who you think do t take personal liberty seriously.

sweet quote it then

try to leave ur emotions [read: estrogen] out of our talks too

be a fkn man for one moment in ur life ty
Again with the projection.
You should sue the military for wrongful contract because you clearly have deficits in reading comprehension.
:lol: Lozza is surprised tehvul says something mentally unstable. He should be surprised, tehvul has been quite stable during his tw history. :lol:

That's precisely why he makes a good bellwether for the kind of trumpets who got frisky on j6