The offical Fuck BF1942 thread

Actually, the graphics are AMAZING if u have everything kicked up to its highest settings...of course you need the computer for that too.
If you're getting bad lag... join a smaller server.

I play on Purple Kool Aid a lot, it's only 22 people I believe and have never had any lag.

You'll get better framerates too.

Any pub server game will depend a lot on the server you are on.

Don't fly without a joystick.
Some people can do it, most can't.
Get in a tank instead.

Your experience with BF1942 and Desert Combat sounds kinda like my first experience with Tribes.

I stuck with it and discovered a great game underneath the initial frustration.
I'm finding the same thing with Desert Combat.
It's far from perfect... but it's an alpha mod... it's constantly getting tweaked.
now i'm pissed >:

the game blackscreens at startup and nothing I or anyone in #bf1942 can do will fix it

i even tried reinstalling >:

yay for 40 dollar coasters
Edit the settings in
\videodefault.con file, and change the following line

renderer.allowAllRefreshRates 0
renderer.allowAllRefreshRates 1

That should let you run the game at higher refresh rates (who let the
game out without changing that setting, and why wasn't it fixed in the patch?).

bf1942 defaluts to wanting your refresh rate set to 60hz.

I that aint it then :shrug:
-MT-Stealth said:
what do you mean black screeens?

i mean the screen is black and nothing happens, it just hangs, and i bring up task manager and it's stopped responding, and closing it takes 100% cpu time
Pubknight said:
Your experience with BF1942 and Desert Combat sounds kinda like my first experience with Tribes.

Really? Even when I first started and had no clue what to do tribes fucking ruled to me. Never before had I played in an outdoor setting of such magnitude. The graphics were awesome to me even in software mode. Actually the only time I had frustration with tribes was near the end of my playing days. (too many people faggoting it up)
Sure you can, you installed with your super legit cd key didn't you? It just takes care of the anoying cd check, I recommend the Fairlight fix.
XPDNC is fucking winnar.

Stop bitching about the graphics and ditch the fucking Radeon 7500 you play CS on and get a real card.
Stop bitching about the lag and turn off/stop downloading porn off kazaa. Or turn off everything BUT mIRC that uses your connection.
Play in single player games by yourself and learn to fly. I use a mouse and keyboard (my sensitivity is really high so I just inch my mouse and I've looped). I'm one of the best pilots I know, even with a chopper like the blackhawk. I'm not the best, but I would like to think I'm damned good.
If you hop into a plane in multi and drive it into the ground like a fucking lawndart, you're no better than the idiots you're trying to bash.
Beat the single player campaign first to get a grip of the game. If you jump straight into multi, you're just as newb as all of them.
Make a mod better than Desert Combat.
Remember that the average 42 player is a CS player. And CS players are :closet:
And if you can't handle 42... GET THE FUCK OFF AND MAKE ROOM FOR PEOPLE WHO CAN!

yeah, i actually bought this game, which is why it's pissing me off so much

i installed the fairlight fix, and no luck

the game freezes instantly as soon as it goes full not even a second after startup
My first comp is a GF4 Ti4600 and my second comp is a GF4 Ti4200 w/ 128. Both play 42 on max detail just fine.