the next iphone is going to have a front facing camera

Diablo Escobar

Veteran XX
I don't care about your opinion of the iphone and dont' care about android and don't care about the argument, at least in this thread.

Given the experience of chatroulette, is there any chance that the front facing camera that will become standard on all our phones soon won't be predominantly used for video calls where someone shows someone else their dick?
It's for self-obsessed girls to get a perfect Facebook photo of themselves. Now they only have to take 5 photos instead of 100 to get the perfect duck-face shot.
i dont think it will necessarily be for "video calls"...but i think it will essentially be a semantic argument. i think with the front-facing camera they will add an ichat app to the phone that does video chat...but it wont technically be a video call if that makes any sense at all
don't really care about a front facing camera at all
what i do want is: faster processor, some type of multitasking, higher resolution display, higher megapixel camera, cheaper data plans
Now I can see watch myself masturbating as I'm videotaping it. I hated having burns because of having to masturbate multiple times to get the shot that I wanted.
not going to happen. as it is AT&T is looking to increase/decrease the cost of everyone's data plan based on how much bandwidth they use

Use-based payment schedules never last. We did this in 1996 with AOL/Prodigy/Compuserve. Consumers always drift toward reasonably-priced "unlimited" plans, like they're doing now on the other networks with "unlimited" data.

"Unlimited" because nothing is ever truly unlimited. :p:
yeah comcast just enabled a 'bandwidth meter' for my account....says we are allowed 250gb of traffic per far haven't gone over it, closest i've been was like 220