The New Sentra Type R Spec V...

There ya go, a 330xi is a sedan. I can not stand the sedans. The Cis are much nice looking cars and are performance based. They just need to come up with a coupe version of the xi. :)

If all you have driven are FWD or AWD, then you are living a sheltered life. RWD cars are an absolute blast to drive. Breaking your rear end loose while making a sharp turn and keeping it out there all through the turn is such an exhilarating experience. AWD cars handle great, yes, and are a blast to drive, but for pure driving fun nothing really beats a RWD car. Hell, most auto magazine editors, though praising driving aides such as Dynamic Stability Control, turn them off when they want to have fun. :)
i'm not saying RWD isn't fun, and exciting, but for getting me too and from work in the snow, a bmw is not a good choice (there are a few windy back roads that scare me in the summer, i want a roadhugger for the winter

I haven't had the pleasure of owning my own RWD car, but i've driven some..
My father bought a FWD Volvo (850) quite a few years ago using the same argument as you: driving in the snow with a BMW is not fun, it's stressful. I berated him for quite some time, but I can certainly understand the argument.

I used to live in Alaska for 7 years, then middle Germany for 3, then the midwest for 5. Driving in the snow is stressful enough without having to worry about doing pirouettes down the highway.
KtM said:
As for people dissatisfied with the current incarnation of the M3, well, please post actual negative feedback on this car.

Well there is the whole self-grenading engine thing that was happening for a while there...