The Kids in the Hall: A retrospective

I remember being a kid and staying up late to watch this on HBO. Bobby vs Satan will forever be etched into my mind. I laughed so hard I puked at that skit.

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I liked the one that Scott was nailing dudes "wife" by the end of it and looked at dude and said "don't laugh you're next"

or the one with the rottweiler that uh..ended up mounting someone or something like that...with the lightning flashes and the chick with braces and shit

I can't remember the names of teh sketches, I got to see them live once up on a time, they are fucking hillarious bastards.
to this day, when I find someone who loved this show I know we will be fast friends

just the other day I was explaining the Girl Drink Drunk to someone and they weren't getting it.....fuck them
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Which is the one with the lightsaber for a schlong and the answering machine full of horny women begging for him to call them...that cracked me up when I was a kid.
this was always my fav sketch

i can never find decent copies of KITH online

i guess i should grab the dvds one day

the entire show is availble streaming on netflix. hulu doesn't have episodes, but has 376 clips spanning 26 pages.
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