the joke thread the jokey joke thread!!

A german guy walks into a church and asks to give confession. He gets in the confessional box and says to the priest "Father, during the war I hid a jew in my attic from the government. I commited treason."
The priest goes "This is not a sin. you saved the life of an innocent man, even if he didn't believe in the lord christ"
the man then says "But father, I also charged him rent."
the priest says "that's not so bad. you were taking great risk on yourself, it's not unfair for you to have asked for some compensation."
and the man goes "But father, I haven't told him that the war ended yet.
(Someone said this joke before on TW... it's a re-used joke... not mine... may not be accurate either...)

Why do Italian funerals only have two pallbearers?

Garbage cans only have two handles.
Windows 95© - 32-bit extension and a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor written by a 2-bit company that can't stand 1-bit of competition.
Zelgaddiss said:
3 men are walking down a beach, a spic, a nigger and a white guy,
they find a lamp and rub it, a genie pops out and says i'lll grant 1 wish to all 3 of you
so the spic says "I wish me and all my mexican brothers were back in Mexico and happy and free"
then the nigger says "I wish me and all my brothers were back in africa happy and free"
so then the white guys says "You mean to tell me all the niggers and spics are out of america?"
"yes" replys the genie
"i'll have a coke then."

You BDS thief......