The Japanese are at it again. w/ video & pics

Well hell, why dont they just make one that can be piloted, slap some Ultra AC 20's on its arms, some missles on its sholders, and maybe a laser somewhere.

ooo, and give it jump jets =D
Acer0158 said:
havent they had these for a while?

like in those honda commercials...or something
That was the prototype i think.
This is the commercial version.
Plus, it moves better than the old one.
Oops yeah the other one was a Honda.
My bad.

I'm totally outfitting mine with a mix of heavy and medium lasers and sending it out to destroy my enemies.

Is it just me or does it look like they put the head on upside down.
Ceiling_Fan said:
I dunno..that's obviously an Elemental, and they can't carry much more than a single medium laser.
Well, I plan to super-size mine.
I'll take the 200m model with a side of fries please!
well CF you could equip those with two MGuns but that wasnt worth much unless you could fly that shit right into the face of a mech and gun the cockpit to hell

and then you were leat