The dumbest scene in a movie

A new one for Myth Busters. Can you fling a sword at a dude running with a girl 20 yards away, chop his arm off, and have the girl stop in time.
Trying to find the night vision scene from Rollerball but apparently it's so fucking terrible noone even bothered to capture it.

The scene from Matrix reloaded where Morpheus gives the speech to Zion.

Anything from Saturday Night Fever

Anything from Top Gun
the scene where a terrorist is stuck on arnold's harrier jet

and arnold's daughter is up there too, and the terrorist is coming to get her

so arnold takes one look at his daughter, a silent "hold on", and rolls the plane to knock the terrorist off balance.

he ends up with his shirt caught on an air-to-air missile. he looks up, looks to arnold, looks at the fucking helicopter full of terrorists right in front of them, and puts the pieces together.

arnold flilps open the safety, looks at the terrorist, and says


and fires the fucking missile with the lead terrorist on it, through a building, into the helicopter filled with other terrorists

that screenplay must have been amazing to write