The Drawing Thread

pen sketch for a megaman poster, with some realistic redesigns

CapnPyro said:
Just finished this tonight, let me know what you guys think. A few things look off, and there's a few things that are new to me that I've never drawn before.

That's fucking awsome, I love Mr. Majestic!
Keep up the good work man, I know your work will be printed on a DC or Marvel comic one day
Travelyan said:
i began drawing comics in november 2002, and then stopped drawing comics in december 2002. nine strips, none of them particularly well done or funny



Travelyan, I write on the side for a local newspaper directed at college-aged kids and want to know if you'd like to get this published. If you give me the OK, I'll talk to the editor and see how much you'll get paid for it and any other info you might need. It won't be much, but you'll be able to say that you published a comic thanx to TW.

I thought it was a funny comic, and I think others did too - very PBF-esque.
JDizzle4Rizzle said:
Travelyan, I write on the side for a local newspaper directed at college-aged kids and want to know if you'd like to get this published. If you give me the OK, I'll talk to the editor and see how much you'll get paid for it and any other info you might need. It won't be much, but you'll be able to say that you published a comic thanx to TW.

I thought it was a funny comic, and I think others did too - very PBF-esque.


Sure why not. Here's two more

I don't really like the rest of them because as I recall I drew them in my 11th grade Algebra classes and colored em later
Most definitely my favorite page of yours Zero. That last frame is wicked.

Since we're into comics, I'll post a few. I was in this phase about 6 months ago where I wanted to do a web comic. These are a few of them, but I'm really self conscious about them. I never thought they were really that well done. They're meant to be single frame comics - nothing continous.



not a comic but it keeps the thread alive.

Treebeard concept I sketched while exploring a different approach with pen.

I used to do comics for a local area music magazine called "Pitch Magazine". I had a whole issue dedicated to my artwork. those were the fun days.
Zero-Optix said:
its Work safe because its art. ;)

I like this alot better than some of the digitally shaded layouts youve posted. I think you ought to do more with stronger shading, maybe inked on paper rather than the digital shading. Your drawings are good, and I think the shading holds your drawings back a little.