The Day The Earth Stood Still

Instead of the original anti-war theme you just know it’ll be about how humans are destroying the earth with their massive SUV’s

6 months to go and no details out, and ppl are already whining about the movie

Day the Earth Stood Still is a Sci-Fi classic, it’s like trying to remake Gone With the Wind, some things just shouldn’t be messed with.

I’m only surprised they didn’t put Will Smith in the movie.
I don't mind remakes, but this looks stupid.

And how politically correct of them to have a presumably bi racial child of the leading lady, and a middle eastern man on the homeland defence team :rolleyes:
I'm not sure I would consider this a remake, it looks like they took a drama with a really serious tone to it, and turned it into an action movie. Whatever happened to leaving well enough alone?
I don't remember a huge ball that disintegrates everything around it in the original...

This looks amazing, and for extra nerd/irony points, I actually have the dvd of the original sitting on my desk right now, watched it last night...