The Corona: Why are Americans so stupid?

It wouldn't matter if Trump came up with the vaccine tomorrow. If he said he had the vaccine for the chinese virus all you would hear about is his racism
Vaccines, supplies, masks - all that shit comes from the private sector. Not an Orange Man, not a Black Man, Not a China Man. Gov can help by funding it. One thing we have is a shit ton of cash and resources. Sit back and relax cael, America will be just fine. Shit, we are already starting to ship tests with results in 45 minutes. Already shot a trial vaccine up the cooches of people. You just sit there in your basement, play some games, go to pornhub and chill. We got this bro.

Where do the solutions and supplies come from? Hollywood? Actors/actresses? Singers? Politicians? No. The solutions come from smart, hard working, dedicated Americans who get to work on time, focus and make things happen. We have millions and millions of those types of people. They don't need red tape - just stand back and let them do their thing American style. Then watch as everyone else clamors for our shit. And, we will help them out too. Because that's what we do and who we are. Go ahead and laugh at Orange man. He is funny as fuck. But in the same way as almost every company I have seen. The leaders should answer phones and keep out of details. That's not their sweet spot. Give us the resources we ask for and then step the fuck back.

The test, called SAR-CoV-2 Xpert Xpress, was developed by Cepheid, a Sunnyvale, California, company was designed to detect SARS-CoV-2, the virus that is causing COVID-19.

Cepheid uses a testing machine called GeneXpert that can run a full test in 45 minutes. There are currently more than 23,000 automated GeneXpert systems worldwide, with nearly 5,000 of them in the U.S., Cepheid said in a statement.

Betting they sell a few GeneXpert machines and I bet we figure out how to mass produce those or something even faster soon.
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the only thing i know about tic is that he once tried to teach me about sushi so that was hilarious
As I used to tell madbomber and Psyanide in GBD... if it weren't for America, Canada would be overtaken by some country that still communicates by making click noises and put bones thru their noses.
As I used to tell madbomber and Psyanide in GBD... if it weren't for America, Canada would be overtaken by some country that still communicates by making click noises and put bones thru their noses.

Portugal, the UAE or Finland probably.
LGBR I can't believe you remember that, I sure as fuck don't - but it sounds like me!

Trump has done fuck all besides pass blame to the Chinese, try to downplay the severity of the disease (the US will soon be the biggest epicenter in the world) and talk shit to reporters who ask him to offer some comfort to the people who voted him into office.

Sadly, you stupid fucks will most likely re-elect the schmuck.
LGBR I can't believe you remember that, I sure as fuck don't - but it sounds like me!

Trump has done fuck all besides pass blame to the Chinese, try to downplay the severity of the disease (the US will soon be the biggest epicenter in the world) and talk shit to reporters who ask him to offer some comfort to the people who voted him into office.

Sadly, you stupid fucks will most likely re-elect the schmuck.

Yeah, other than restrict travel to china a month before your country (who btw called him racist for it before doing it themselves).

And people have short term memory about Peter Alexander (the reporter). They forget when he was tag teaming the whitehouse press meeting with Acosta to see who could be the biggest dick and in all the videos you see of the exchange between trump and reporter, you have to really dig to see the previous 2 minutes before he asks trump that question and gets called a terrible reporter where there is a back and forth exchange between the two and this guy is trying his level best to take a swing at Trump
Any pics of Trudeau dressed as Corona Chan yet? You know he has.

He's self isolating because his wife has the corona.

Canada also reacted a lot faster than the US. Schools were shutting down and all essential services were stopping while Trump was telling everyone it's no worse than the flu.

There's going to be a lot of dead Americans after this and you can thank the cheeto in charge for doing as little as possible until it was too late.

I'm sure you guys will be #1 in total cases and deaths though. Gotta maintain that American exceptionalism.
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He's self isolating because his wife has the corona.

Canada also reacted a lot faster than the US. Schools were shutting down and all essential services were stopping while Trump was telling everyone it's no worse than the flu.

There's going to be a lot of dead Americans after this and you can thank the cheeto in charge for doing as little as possible until it was too late.

I'm sure you guys will be #1 in total cases and deaths though. Gotta maintain that American exceptionalism.

So that's a yes, Trudeau has danced around as Carona Chan but there were no pics of it cuz his "wife" couldn't hold the camera. Had to run your post thru translator to understand. Kinda surprised it exists as there are so few Canadians.
tic is fat shithead

go fuck yourself retard



now we know why he so mad