THE Chicago Bears.

Cav Scout

Veteran XX
Longtime Bear fan. This may be the best defense I've ever seen. They are feeding off of each other and competing with each other to see who can get the strip, int, TD...

Thus far, pretty scary. Scored more TD's than they've given up. Not sure thats ever happened before by midpoint of season. Yea, they played mostly scrubs so far, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how the last half plays out. These guys are swaggering. Peppers, Idonije, Briggs, Urlacher, Tillman, Jennings, Wright are all having good years, despite some age.

Da Bearsssss!

Fair weather chicago fan
You gonna make a cubs thread if they ever win more than 80 games again
uh chicago hasnt beat one decent team this year

they could easily lose 5 of their next 8 games
Maybe you were confused when you made this thread and meant they may be the best Bears defense you've seen. They're sure as fuck not the best defense in the past decade. I'm also going to assume you were in a coma during the 2006 season when there was a better Bears team on the field.
Fair weather chicago fan
You gonna make a cubs thread if they ever win more than 80 games again

I use to be on Cav's team, he has always been a thick headed Bears fan.

Yes, Cav, the Bears Defense is scary as fuck, but Cutlet? he has the capability of losing a game at any time, so I would be guardedly optimistic if i was a Bears fan. In playoffs, you are not allowed to have one of those games.

on a side note, miss the T2 days of the Brotherhood. I see Dragon Reborn all the time on T/A
If Tillman keeps up how he has been playing, he could be an MVP candidate. Was a really satisfying game to watch today, but seriously... given where the meat of their schedule is, they could easily end up looking stupid over the next few weeks. Hard to really tell where the Bears are just yet.
This bears team is a sham you can't build a team on a defense in modern NFL and this schedule is a joke thus far.

The entire offense is based on Brandon Marshall and forte if either gets injured they are screwed. Also theo line is a joke so its highly likely cutler gets injured again.

Total sham team will lose first playoff game.

I'm a life long bears fan. Gg
im coming up for the game next weekend when they actually play a real team.

want to hang out?
We won't know if they're worth shit until after the Texans and 9errrrs games

Right now I can say "they don't suck" but that's about it