Texas style smoker

A client gave me one a few weeks back. Its the kind with an offset firebox.

I made beef ribs for the first time last night following a recipe in a book called "smoke and spice"

5 hours at 200 f. mopping once an hour. not very much meat on the ribs and it didnt have that "falling off the bone" look and taste from a roadside smoker guy.

let me hear it! I am greenhorn, but have a high desire to master this thing ( and I will!) but would like to hear any hints or tips or favorite recipe ( ribs or whatever) for a smoker.

chatting with another client of mine today, he suggested I kick the firebox another 6 feet from the food area and cold cook my foods? cooking things for 2 or 3 days? anyhoo anyones insight and xp would be appreciated
Sounds like your thermometer isn't reading correctly, or you let off too much heat during your "mopping". 200f for 5hrs should of made a rib that was dried out a bit, but definitely falling off the bone.

Check out the Cooking forum, there's a good write-up on ribs. Its called the "3-2-1" method for ribs, its what I use and they're wonderful.
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